Content Manager OnDemand REST Services ships with a log4j2.xml configuration file with three rolling file appenders:
RESTFileRoll – This is a general purpose logger which can used for troubleshooting and providing information about incoming requests and responses. By default, its log level is set to INFO. When troubleshooting calls to the REST Services APIs, it might be helpful to increase the log level to either DEBUG or TRACE.
AnalyticsFileRoll – This logger logs detailed information about each REST request and response. The information is logged as JSON data which is easily ingested into most tools used for monitoring, searching, and analyzing data. The default log level for this logger is OFF. To enable this logger, change the log level to INFO and restart your application server.
ODWEKFileRoll – This logger is used for logging Content Manager OnDemand Web Enablement (ODWEK) specific information. The default log level for this logger is ERROR.