Searching for printers

About this task

Follow these steps to search for printers:


  1. Select and expand the library server.
  2. Right-click Printers.
  3. From the pop-up menu, select Find to open the Search for Printers window.
  4. Type search criteria. Type values in the Name, Description, and Server Queue Name fields. Choose a printer Type.
  5. Change search operators. Choose the search operator command for the Name, Description, and Server Queue Name search fields. Content Manager OnDemand opens the Select Operator window. The list of search operators that are valid for the search field are listed in the window. Click on a search operator to change the search operator. Click Cancel to close the Select Operator window without changing the search operator.
  6. Click OK. Content Manager OnDemand lists the names of the printers that match the search criteria in the Names list.

What to do next

To list all of the printers names defined to the library server, clear all search fields and click OK. Here are available commands:
Search the list of printers using the specified search criteria.
Close the Search for Printers window.
Open the online help for the Search for Printers window.