A BULK RETRIEV request provides for a single function call that performs all of the required actions to generate the retrieval of multiple documents. A query is specified in the BR-SQL parameter. The hit list associated with a query is placed in the HFS file pointed to by the BR-FListName parameter. The documents retrieved for the hit list are placed in the HFS file pointed to by the BR-ThreadDir parameter. Up to 10 sets of values can be specified for these three parameters.
You need to delete previous hit lists and documents stored by the Bulk Retrieve API into the directories specified in the BR-FListNames and BR-ThreadDir parameters before each execution of Bulk Retrieve. If multiple Bulk Retrieves are to be run concurrently, each must specify unique directories.
The Bulk Retrieve function can be multi-threaded. For each different value specified in the BR-ThreadDir parameter, a new thread is created. All queries associated with the same BR-ThreadDir parameter value are run under the same thread.
The BR-NumSQL parameter controls how many sets of values are specified for the BR-FListName, BR-ThreadDir, and BR-SQL parameters. The BR-NumThread parameter identifies how many different values are specified for the BR-ThreadDir parameters.
The documents returned in the HFS file or files specified in the BR-ThreadDir parameters must be parsed to reconstruct the documents. If the document was stored with fixed length records, then that record length value must be used to parse the records in the hfs file. If the document was stored with variable length records, then each logical record in the hfs physical records is preceded by a two-byte length value. This length value can be used to parse the document records.
Field | Description | Required or optional? |
CS-Eyeball | Common Structure Eyeball value of ARSLSCCO. | Required |
CS-Length | Length of the CS-CommonStructure. | Required |
CS-APILevel | CS-APILevel API level value of 8.4. | Required |
CS-Request | Function request value of BULK RETRIEV. | Required |
CS-MidTierIPAddr | TCP/IP address for the mid-tier server. The 'Host Name' representation of the TCP/IP address is supported in all environments. | Required |
CS-MidTierPort | TCP/IP port number for the mid-tier server. | Required |
CS-LibServIPAddr | TCP/IP address for the Content Manager OnDemand library server. The 'Host Name' representation of the TCP/IP address is supported in all environments. | Required |
CS-LibServPort | TCP/IP port number for the library server. | Required |
CS-CodePage | The Content Manager OnDemand Server
code page. Default value is 500. Important: The API does
not edit this field for valid code page values.
Required |
CS-FolderName | A full folder name; returns only the folder specified. | Required |
CS-APITraceLevel | Trace flag:
Required |
CS-SocketsRequested | Number of sockets requested. If unspecified, blank, or less than 100, the default is 1200. | Optional |
CS-NumSec-to-Wait | A non-zero number that is entered to specify
the wait time for a send/receive request to complete. The default
is 300 seconds. Important: After a non-zero value is
specified, it remains in effect for all subsequent API requests until
a new value is specified.
Optional |
Bulk Retrieve Structured Fields | ||
BR-Eyeball | Logon Structure Eyeball value of ARSZSCBR. | Required |
BR-Length | Length of the BR-BulkRetrieveStructure. | Required |
BR-UserID | Content Manager OnDemand user ID. The user ID provided must match a user defined in the Content Manager OnDemand server database for the user ID in field LO-UserID. | Required |
BR-Password | User password. The password must match the password for the user defined in the Content Manager OnDemand server database for the user ID in field LO-UserID. | Required |
BR-AG | Application group name. | Required |
BR-Language | Language. Default is en. | Optional |
BR-Country | Country code. Default is US. | Optional |
BR-MaxHits | Maximum number of hits to be returned by SQL. | Required |
BR-DiskW |
Required |
BR-Debug | Debugging parameters:
Each higher debug level includes debugging statements from all lower levels. |
Required |
BR-SQLSec | Wait time between thread startups. | Required |
BR-NumThread | The number of threads. An integer between 1 and 10. | Required |
BR-NumSQL | The number of SQL statements to be executed. | Required |
The structure contains locations for 10 of each of the following three fields. The number of entries that will be read is equal to the BR-NumSQL value. | ||
BR-FListName | File name that will contain a list of the files retrieved by the SQL statement. There is one entry for each SQL statement. If BR-NumSQL is n, then there must be n entries, one file per thread. | Required |
BR-ThreadDir | The directory containing the output when a SQL statement is executed by a thread. There is one entry for each SQL statement. If BR-NumSQL is n, there must be n entries. SQL statements with the same directory name execute under the same thread. | Required |
BR-SQL | SQL statement to be executed. There is one entry for each SQL statement. If BR-NumSQL is n, there must be n entries. | Required |
Field | Description | Set by |
CS-ReturnCode | Function request return code. Valid values are:
CS-Message | This field contains a text string suitable for
display. An informational message might be returned when CS-ReturnCode
= 0. Important: CS-Message should be set to spaces before
each structured API request.