Inactivity time out

Determines when Content Manager OnDemand terminates sessions between inactive users and the server. Choose from:
Never Time Out
Content Manager OnDemand does not terminate a session, regardless of how long the user remains inactive.
Time Out In __ Minutes
Type a number in the space provided to set the time out to occur in a specific number of minutes. The number can be from 1 (one) to 1440.
Use System Value
This option is available only when adding or updating a user. Use the time out value from the Login Information page of the System Parameters window.
The period of inactivity is measured between requests to the server. For example, assume that the time out value is Time Out in 60 Minutes. A user logs on to Content Manager OnDemand, opens a folder, and runs a search. The user then leaves the office without logging off the server or stopping the client. The user returns over an hour later and selects a document for viewing. Content Manager OnDemand issues a message that indicates a time out has occurred and the user must log off the server.

Note: The Inactivity Time Out in Content Manager OnDemand is different than the QINACTITV value on an IBM® i system.