General page (Users)
Use to set, update, and view the user's logon information.
- User ID
- The identifier that is used to log on to the Content Manager OnDemand server. See User ID for details. Note: To add a user to an IBM® i server, an IBM i user profile must exist for the User ID. You cannot change the User ID when you update a user on an IBM i server.
- Content Manager OnDemand automatically generates a unique value and places the number in the UID field.
- Current Password
- Complete this field when you want to change the current password with the Update command. Note: On an IBM i server, each user must change their own password. (Administrators are not permitted to change another user's password.) The IBM i security function validates the old password against the IBM i user profile.
- Password
- Specify the new password for the User ID. The value that you type in the Password field must contain the number of characters specified in the Minimum Password Length. Note: You cannot set the password when you add a user to an IBM i server. An initial password is established when the IBM i user profile is created. When you update a user on an IBM i server, you cannot change another user's password. (Each user must change their own password.) The IBM i security function validates the new password.
- Verify Password
- Verify the new password by retyping the password in this field.
- Name
- The user's name. Maximum of 60 bytes.
- Description
- Type up to 120 bytes of descriptive information.
- User Type
- Determines the basic tasks that the user can do when logged on the system. See User Type for details.
- Authority
- Optionally lets the user do other tasks. See Authority for details.
- Inactivity Time Out
- Determines the action that Content Manager OnDemand takes when the user is logged on the system but not actively working. See Inactivity Time Out for details.
- Disable User
- Use the Disable User option to prevent a user from logging on to a Content Manager OnDemand server.