General page (Users)

Use to set, update, and view the user's logon information.

User ID
The identifier that is used to log on to the Content Manager OnDemand server. See User ID for details. Note: To add a user to an IBM® i server, an IBM i user profile must exist for the User ID. You cannot change the User ID when you update a user on an IBM i server.
Content Manager OnDemand automatically generates a unique value and places the number in the UID field.
Current Password
Complete this field when you want to change the current password with the Update command. Note: On an IBM i server, each user must change their own password. (Administrators are not permitted to change another user's password.) The IBM i security function validates the old password against the IBM i user profile.
Specify the new password for the User ID. The value that you type in the Password field must contain the number of characters specified in the Minimum Password Length. Note: You cannot set the password when you add a user to an IBM i server. An initial password is established when the IBM i user profile is created. When you update a user on an IBM i server, you cannot change another user's password. (Each user must change their own password.) The IBM i security function validates the new password.
Verify Password
Verify the new password by retyping the password in this field.
The user's name. Maximum of 60 bytes.
Type up to 120 bytes of descriptive information.
User Type
Determines the basic tasks that the user can do when logged on the system. See User Type for details.
Optionally lets the user do other tasks. See Authority for details.
Inactivity Time Out
Determines the action that Content Manager OnDemand takes when the user is logged on the system but not actively working. See Inactivity Time Out for details.
Disable User
Use the Disable User option to prevent a user from logging on to a Content Manager OnDemand server.