Data format
The Data Format page of the Indexer Properties window provides features to specify and maintain indexer parameters related to the format of the report as it is stored in Content Manager OnDemand and viewed using client programs, including the graphical indexer. Many of the properties on the Data Format page are based on the choices that you made on the View Information page. (If you do not want to keep the information on the View Information page and the Data Format page the same, then you must clear the Update Parameters checkbox on the View Information page.)
For detailed information about these parameters, see the Indexing Reference.
Here are available parameters:
- Data Conversion
- Determines whether the indexing program converts the input data to AFP. If the input data is AFP, the default is Yes. To collect any type of resources, you must specify Yes. If the input data is Line, the default is No.
- Line Count
- For unconverted line data reports, the maximum number of lines per page. Determines when the indexing program creates page breaks. This value is used only when Data Conversion is No. If the input data contains carriage controls, then page breaks also occur if Skip to Channel One carriage controls are present in the data.
- File Format
- The format of the input data.
- New Line
- The hexadecimal character(s) that separate records in the input data. Optional for File Format of Stream, unless the input data contains two-character line delimiters. (Then you must specify the characters, for example, 0D0A.)
- Form Feed
- Determines whether form feed controls should be recognized and used to identify the start of a page during the indexing process. The form feed controls are X'0C' and X'0D0C'. Form Feeds can only be used if CC, TRC and Data Conversion are set to No.
- CC
- (Carriage Control) Determines whether the data contains carriage control characters. Note: IBM® i does not use the CC option.
- CC Type
- If the data contains carriage control characters, specify the type of carriage control characters. Choose from ANSI and Machine. Note: IBM i does not use the CC Type option.
- New Page
- For line data reports that contain carriage controls, the skip-to-channel number that indicates a new page in the data. This value is used only when Data Conversion is No and CC is Yes.
- (Table Reference Character) Determines whether the data contains table reference characters. Note: IBM i does not use the TRC option.
- PRMode
- (Processing Mode) If the data contains shift-in and shift-out codes, determines how the indexing program handles them. Choose from SOSI1, SOSI2, and SOSI3 or type SOSI4 in the space provided. Optionally type an eight-character alphanumeric string in the space provided. The string is passed to all ACIF user exits.
- Code Page
- The code page used by Content Manager OnDemand client programs to display the report.
- MCF2 Type
- Determines the way that the indexing program builds Map Coded Font 2 (MCF2) structured fields. The indexing program can build MCF2 structured fields using code page and character set names (the default, CP/CS) or coded font names. If you map the AFP fonts the report was created with to fonts that can be displayed on the PC, then you must specify CP/CS.
- If you are converting line data to AFP and the data contains TRCs, then the CHARS parameter is required if the page definition (specified on the Resource Information page) does not name a font. The CHARS parameter names from one to four fonts referenced in the data. A font specifies a character set and code page pair, for example, X0N262. If the fonts are saved in a resource group (specified on the Resource Information page), the CHARS parameter also provides the names of the fonts that the indexing program saves in the resource group.
Here are available options:
- Maximum pages to display
Maximum pages to display. Use to load part of an input file into the graphical indexer. For example, assume the sample data contains thousands of pages; you need only the first twenty pages of the data to define the indexing information; select the ____ Pages field and type 20 in the space provided. The default value is All Pages.
Here are available commands:
- OK
- Save any changes and close the Indexer Properties window.
- Cancel
- Discard any changes and close the Indexer Properties window.
- Apply
- Not used.
- Help
- Open the online help for the Data Format page.