Application group field information options

Name. The list of database field names from the Field Information page. Select a name from the list to specify the properties of a field. The field information applies to the database field that is listed in the Name field.

Determines whether the field is an index, filter, or not captured. Choose from the following options:
The field uniquely identifies a document or the field is typically used for most queries for application group data. Indexes provide fast and direct database access, but require more time to create and maintain.
The field is not used to identify a document or the field is always used with an index field to refine the results of a query. A filter causes a sequential search of the database.
Not in Database
Specify this field type when you do not want Content Manager OnDemand to capture this field. Fields of this type cannot be queried. For example, you can specify Not in Database for a date field you define as a segment field and Content Manager OnDemand uses it to segment the application group tables, but does not store it in the application group table.

Data Type. Specifies the type of the database field. That is, the kind of index data that you can store in the field. See Database field data types for details.

String Case.
Determines the case of the field. Choose from:
Index data loaded into the application group as lower case, regardless of the case in the input data. Users can type search criteria in any case. Content Manager OnDemand shifts all search criteria to lower case to complete a database query.
Index data loaded into the application group as upper case, regardless of the case in the input data. Users can type search criteria in any case. Content Manager OnDemand shifts all search criteria to upper case to complete a database query. Upper is the default and recommended value for the String Case.
Index data loaded into the application group exactly as it appears in the input data. Users must type search criteria exactly as it appears in the input data.
String Type.
Determines the type of the field. Choose from:
A fixed length database field contains values that are all the same length. The size of the field (String Length, in bytes) cannot vary. If an input index value contains fewer characters than the String Length, Content Manager OnDemand adds one or more blank characters to the right of the index value to fill the database field. The additional blank characters become part of the field value.
A variable length database field can contain values that are different lengths. The size of the field can vary, up to a maximum value (String Length, in bytes).

String Length. The number of bytes that are required to hold the string in the database after Content Manager OnDemand converts the string to the code page of the server. String conversion between code pages might result in either an increase or decrease in the length of the string when data is loaded on the server. For example, the client might require two bytes to display a double-byte character, yet the server might require three bytes to store the character in the database. In this example, Content Manager OnDemand increases the string length to a size that is sufficient to hold the data that you have selected. If you expect that other possible values for the field might require more space than Content Manager OnDemand calculated, you can override the length by typing a different number in the space provided. If the String Type value is Fixed, the maximum length of the string field is 254 bytes. All values that are stored in the field contain the same number of bytes. When you load data, if an index value contains fewer bytes than the string length, Content Manager OnDemand adds one or more spaces to the right of the index value to fill the database field. The additional spaces become part of the field value. If the String Type value is Variable, the maximum length of the string field is 2000 bytes.

String Embedded. You can define from one to eight characters that Content Manager OnDemand removes from search values typed by the user before querying the database. Content Manager OnDemand can remove embedded, leading, and trailing characters. For example, suppose you define a field to store index values that contain phone numbers. The values in the database contain only numbers. That is, the values do not include the dash character. However, when users query the database with a phone number, they typically type search strings such as 303-555-1212. Since the database values do not include the dash character, Content Manager OnDemand would not find a document to match the query. However, you can use the Embedded field to enable users to type values that include the dash character. Simply type a dash character in the Embedded field. That way, the user can type 303-555-1212 (or 3035551212) in the search field. Content Manager OnDemand removes all occurrences of the character specified in the Embedded field from the search string typed by the user before querying the database.

String Leading. You can define from one to eight characters that Content Manager OnDemand removes from search values typed by the user before querying the database. Content Manager OnDemand can remove embedded, leading, and trailing characters. For example, suppose you define a field to store index values comprised of account numbers. The values in the database contain only the significant digits of the account number. For example, the account number 000097276444 is stored in the database as 97276444. However, users typically query the database using the full account number. That is, they type 000097276444 in the search field. Since the database values do not include the leading zeros, Content Manager OnDemand would not find a document to match the query. However, you can use the Leading field to enable users to type values that include zeros at the beginning of an account number. Simply type a zero in the Leading field. That way, the user can type 000097296444 (or 97276444) in the search field. Content Manager OnDemand removes all occurrences of the character specified in the Leading field from the beginning of the search string typed by the user before querying the database.

String Trailing. You can define from one to eight characters that Content Manager OnDemand removes from search values typed by the user before querying the database. Content Manager OnDemand can remove embedded, leading, and trailing characters. For example, suppose you define a field to store index values that contain account numbers. The last four digits of all the account numbers contain the same numbers, such as 0000. You load only the significant digits of the account number in the database. For example, if the account number is 972764010000, you store the value 97296401 in the database. However, users typically query the database using the full account number. That is, they type 972764010000 in the search field. Since the database values do not include the trailing zeros, Content Manager OnDemand would not find a document to match the query. However, you can use the Trailing field to enable users to type values that include zeros at the end of an account number. Simply type a zero in the Trailing field. That way, the user can type 972964010000 (or 97296401) in the search field. Content Manager OnDemand removes all occurrences of the character specified in the Trailing field from the end of the search string typed by the user before querying the database.

Segment. If the Data Type of the field is date or date/time, identifies the field that Content Manager OnDemand uses to limit the number of tables it searches to complete a query. You can specify one and only one Segment field. If the Database Organization is Multiple Loads per Database Table, IBM recommends that you define a Segment field for the application group. Limiting a query to a specific table or set of tables significantly improves the performance of queries for application groups that contain large amounts of data. When you create an application group and do not define a Segment field, Content Manager OnDemand issues a warning message. Only under unusual circumstances would you ever create an application group and not define a Segment field. Content Manager OnDemand uses the value of the Segment field to determine when to delete data from the application group. If you do not define a Segment field, Content Manager OnDemand uses the date that the input file was loaded to determine when to delete the segment from the application group. If the Segment field contains a date in the MMYY format, then Content Manager OnDemand deletes segments on the first day of the month (MM).

Expire Date. If the Data Type of the field is date or date/time and the Expiration Type is Document, identifies the field that Content Manager OnDemand uses to determine when to delete documents from the application group. You can specify one and only one Expire Date field. If the Expire Date field contains a date in the MMYY format, then Content Manager OnDemand deletes documents on the first day of the month (MM).

Page Count. An integer field to hold the number of pages in a document. If a page count field is added after data has been loaded, the page count value will only be written to rows that were loaded after the field was added.

Lockdown. A Small Int (2) field with this type is required when the application group is configured to use enhanced retention management. This field serves as a counter and records how many holds are placed on the document. When a document is placed on hold, the counter is incremented by 1; when the document is released from a hold, the counter is decremented by 1.

Log. Determines whether Content Manager OnDemand includes the field value in messages saved in the system log. For example, when a user retrieves a document, Content Manager OnDemand includes this field value in the document retrieval message that is saved in the system log if this checkbox is selected. You can update the application group at any time to add and remove field values from messages saved in the system log.

User Exit. Determines whether Content Manager OnDemand sends the field name and value to a user exit program that you supply. Content Manager OnDemand provides the system log user exit so that you can process information generated by the system.

Document Size. Indicates which field to use to store the size of the document in bytes.

CFS-CMOD. Select this checkbox if you configured the application group to interoperate with FileNet. You must create one field with the Data Type of Small Int (2).

Reference. This checkbox is available only for z/OS and Mulitplatforms.

Enables you to select an index value that controls which reports are distributed from Content Manager OnDemand Distribution Facility. The value of the reference index field is passed to ODF as a reference field. If the value of this reference field matches the reference field of a table entry on the ODF Cross Reference table, that report is distributed to all defined recipients. For the reference index field, select a single value index, otherwise, the value that is passed to ODF is the first value found for that index when the document is loaded to Content Manager OnDemand.

Partition. For editions of Db2 that support partitioning, identifies the field used to distribute index data across multiple nodes. You can designate a partition field for the application group provided that the database resides on multiple nodes. Only one field can be designated as the partition field. The Type of the field must be Filter or Index. Note: IBM® i does not use the Partition option.

Cluster. Determines the clustering index for the application group. A cluster index is maintained or improved dynamically as data is inserted into the associated table, by attempting to insert new rows physically close to the rows for which the key values of the index are in the same range. This process might slow the loading of database rows, but should improve the performance of retrievals (queries from a client). This option cannot be applied to existing tables; only new application groups or new application group data tables can use this option. Only one clustering index might exist for an application group. The Type of the field must be Index. Note: IBM i does not use the Cluster option.

Updateable. Specifies whether the index values that are stored in this application group field can be changed.

Full Text Index. Select this checkbox if you configured the application group to use full text indexing. You must create one field with the Data Type of Small Int (2).

Unique ID. Indicates which field to use to store a 36-byte unique identification string for each row in the database.

Hash SHA-256. Indicates which field to use to store a 64-byte string generated by using the SHA-256 algorithm for each document in the database.

Encryption. Select this checkbox if you configured the application group to use encryption. You must create one field with the Data Type of Small Int (2). This field is used internally as part of the encryption function.

Mapping. Use the Mapping area to define the application ID field and create aliases for index values. See Database and Displayed Values for details.
Database Value
A value that Content Manager OnDemand uses to search for documents. You can use the Database Value (and its corresponding Displayed Value) to identify an application (source of data) in an application group and to define meaningful strings for obscure index values.
Displayed Value
A value that Content Manager OnDemand can list in the folder search field and next to each document that matches a query. You can use a Displayed Value (and its corresponding Database Value) to identify an application (source of data) in an application group and to define meaningful strings for obscure index values. Content Manager OnDemand can list the Displayed Values in the folder search field so that the user can select them from the list to query the database. For example, if the folder search field identifies the applications that generated the index data that is stored in the application group, the user can select the specific application that Content Manager OnDemand queries.
Application ID Field
Determines the database field that contains the values that identify an application (source of data) in the application group, when you define an application group that contains more than one application. Only one database field can be designated as the Application ID field. The data type of the field must be string. In addition to selecting the Application ID checkbox, you must specify the values that Content Manager OnDemand uses to identify applications in the application group. Use the Database Value field to specify the value that Content Manager OnDemand uses to search the database. Use the Displayed Value field to specify the value that users can select to query the database. Users can query for a specific application or all the applications contained in the application group.
Assign names in another language to mappings so that Content Manager OnDemand can display those names in the following situations when the Windows client runs in that language:
  • in the folder search field
  • next to each document that matches a query
The other language can be any language supported by Content Manager OnDemand. For more information, see Advanced Mapping Information.