Content Manager OnDemand documents
Content Manager OnDemand documents represent indexed groups of pages.
Typically, a Content Manager OnDemand document is a logical section of a larger report, such as an individual customer statement within a report of thousands of statements. A Content Manager OnDemand document can also represent a portion of a larger report. For reports that do not contain logical groups of pages, such as transaction logs, Content Manager OnDemand can divide the report into groups of pages. The groups of pages are individually indexed and can be retrieved to the client workstation much more efficiently than the entire report. Documents are always identified by date, and usually one or more other ways, such as customer name, customer number, or transaction number.
Figure 1 illustrates Content Manager OnDemand applications and documents. An administrator defines the BILLS application for a report that contains logical items, such as customer statements. The BILLS application uses the document indexing method to divide the report into documents. Each statement in the report becomes a document in Content Manager OnDemand. Users can retrieve a statement by specifying the date and any combination of name and number.
An administrator defines the TRANS application for a report that contains lines of sorted transaction data. The TRANS application uses the report indexing method to divide the report into documents. Each group of 100 pages in the report becomes a document in Content Manager OnDemand. Each group is indexed by using the first and last sorted transaction values that occur in the group. Users can retrieve the group of pages that contains a specific transaction number by specifying the date and the transaction number. Content Manager OnDemand retrieves the group that contains the value entered by the user.