Indexer overview

The indexers in IBM® Content Manager OnDemand provide a way to load and store input files. Indexers determine where one document ends and the next begins, as well as which index values are to be associated with each document.

These index values are used to identify and retrieve documents for viewing or printing. Usually the index values are extracted from the content of the documents but they can also be created manually or by a custom application (an exit). Indexing can also create a resource file that contains all the resources needed to view and print a document.

The indexer is a program that provides these functions. The choice of an indexer depends on the platform, the format of the documents, and functionality needed. Content Manager OnDemand provides the following indexers:

Table 1. Indexer support by platform
Indexer AIX® Linux® z/OS® IBM i Windows Linux for System z
ACIF indexer
The ACIF indexer extracts index data, and optionally converts line data to AFP and creates an AFP resource file. ACIF accepts input files that contain AFP, line data, non-formatted ASCII data, and ASCII data containing printer control characters generated on Windows or UNIX workstations. The ACIF indexer creates the index file in AFP format. The ACIF indexer is called by the ARSLOAD program during the loading process or can be run from the command line on Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms or as a batch job on z/OS . You can use the OnDemand Administrator graphical indexer to create indexing parameters for the ACIF indexer.
390 indexer
The 390 indexer extracts indexes and loads documents from line data, AFP, and DJDE reports. Other data types, such as PDF and TIFF images, can be captured by using the ANYSTORE exit. This provides a method to capture documents of any type and size (including those greater than 2 GB) into Content Manager OnDemand. The 390 indexer loads the index values and documents directly into the Content Manager OnDemand database in a single pass, without needing to create intermediary files. You can use the OnDemand Administrator graphical indexer to create indexing parameters for the 390 indexer.
400 indexer
The 400 indexer extracts index data and loads documents from SCS, Advanced Function Presentation (AFPDS), and the less common SCS-Extended and Line data input files. The 400 indexer supports input files from spooled files, physical files, and stream files. The 400 indexer is supported on IBM i, and cannot be used on any other platform. When you run the 400 indexer on an IBM i server, you invoke it from the IBM i command line (by using the Add Report (ADDRPTOND) command), by using the Content Manager OnDemand monitor for spooled files (by using the Start Monitor (STRMONOND) command with *OUTQ for type of monitor), or by using the Content Manager OnDemand monitor for stream files (by using the Start Monitor (STRMONOND) command with *DIR3 for type of monitor). You can use the OnDemand Administrator graphical indexer to create indexing parameters for the 400 indexer.
PDF indexer
The PDF indexer extracts index data and creates a PDF resource file from Adobe PDF files. The PDF indexer creates the index file in the Generic index format (see Generic indexer). Although the PDF indexer is included with Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms, you must purchase the PDF indexer before you are authorized to use it. If you are using Content Manager OnDemand for i, the PDF indexer must be purchased separately. The PDF indexer is called by the ARSLOAD program during the loading process or can be run from the command line on Multiplatforms. On IBM i operating environments, the PDF indexer can be called by the ADDRPTOND or STRMONOND command, or by the ARSLOAD program. You can use the OnDemand Administrator graphical indexer to create indexing parameters for the PDF indexer.
Restriction: The PDF indexer is not supported on z/OS or Linux for System z platforms.
Generic indexer (generic index format)
The Generic indexer refers to a specific file format, referred to as the generic index format. You can use this file format to load index data for any type of input file that needs to be stored in Content Manager OnDemand. The Generic indexer allows administrators to specify indexing information for input data that you cannot or do not want to index with the other indexers. For example, suppose that you want to load files into the system that were created by using a word processor. By creating a generic index file, the files can be stored in the system in the same format in which they were created. The Generic indexer is called by the ARSLOAD program during the loading process. You cannot use the OnDemand Administrator graphical indexer to create indexing parameters for the Generic indexer. A generic index file is usually created manually or by an external application.
XML indexer
The XML indexer extracts index data from XML files. It creates the index file in the generic index format. The XML indexer is called by the ARSLOAD program during the loading process.