GetFolderFieldName method
This method is intended for use with Visual Basic.
- Method
- short GetFolderFieldName(
- Parameters
- Index
- Specifies the zero-based index of the value to be returned. It must be a number greater than or equal to zero and less than the value returned by GetNumFolderFields.
- pName
- Points to a BSTR to receive the field name.
- Description
- The specified value is returned in pName.
GetFolderFieldName or GetFolderFieldNames can be used to retrieve the folder field names. An application should use the one which is more convenient in its environment.
- Return Value
- Refer to return codes.
- See Also
- GetFolderFieldNames, GetNumFolderFields, or StoreDoc
Visual Basic
Dim rc, count As Integer
Dim num_fields As Variant
Dim FieldNames() As String
Dim Temp As String
rc = ArsOle.GetNumFolderFields (num_fields)
MsgBox "ERROR"
End If
ReDim FieldNames (num_fields - 1)
For count = 0 To num_fields - 1
rc = ArsOle.GetFolderFieldName (count, Temp)
FieldNames(count) = Temp
Next count