Configuring the ARSLOAD program

About this task

Note: The Content Manager OnDemand server program (ARSSOCKD or ARSOBJD) must be running, otherwise the ARSLOAD program will fail.

The ARSLOAD program is the primary Content Manager OnDemand data indexing and loading program. The ARSLOAD program determines if the input data needs to be indexed, and if so, it calls the indexing program. The ARSLOAD program then processes the index data, loading it into the database, optionally compresses the input data into storage objects, and copies the storage objects to storage volumes. See ARSLOAD for more information about the ARSLOAD program, including the parameters that you can specify to process input data.

You typically run the ARSLOAD program each time that you want to load files into the system. You can either run the ARSLOAD program as a started task or from a job to periodically check for input data to process. To store a few files at a time, most customers choose to run the ARSLOAD program from the TSO OMVS command line. For example:
/opt/IBM/ondemand/V10.5/bin/arsload -u admin -p "" -n -g 'Microsoft Word Documents' docx
The following parameters were specified to the ARSLOAD program:
-u admin
The name of a Content Manager OnDemand user that can add documents to the application group. This is typically a user with administrator authority for the application group.
-p ""
The password for the Content Manager OnDemand user.
Do not delete the input files.
-g 'Microsoft Word Documents'
The name of the application group to load.
The name of the input file to process.

In the example, the ARSLOAD program can locate the input file DOCX.IND in the directory from which the program was started. The input file contains the index information that was created in Creating index data (which is a parameter file for the Generic indexer). Because the full path name of the input files was not specified, they must reside in the same directory.

See Commands overview for information on running ARS programs as commands (under the TSO OMVS command) and on setting up JCL to run the ARS programs from jobs and started tasks. This chapter also has examples of how to input parameters to the ARS programs.