Running the arsxml IVP

About this task

The samples create and delete users SampleUser, SampleUser1, SampleUser2, and SampleUser3; printer LabPrinter; and groups SampleGroup, SampleGroup1, SampleGroup2, SampleGroup3, SampleGroup4. Verify that these do not exist before you run the samples.


To verify that the batch administration interface has been properly installed, do the following actions:

  1. Go into a UNIX System Services shell.
  2. Change to the directory containing the samples.
    For example, cd /usr/lpp/ars/V10R5M0/bin/xml/samples.
  3. Run this command: /usr/lpp/ars/V10R5M0/bin/arsxml add -h instname -u user -p password -i addusers.ebcdic.xml -v
    The following list describes the values specified for each parameter in the command:
    Content Manager OnDemand instance name.
    Specifies a Content Manager OnDemand user which has authority to add users and printers.
    Specifies the password for the Content Manager OnDemand user. If the user does not have a password, leave this blank.
    1. The XML file contains user passwords that are between 6 and 8 characters long. If the Content Manager OnDemand system where these users are created has different password restrictions, these passwords might need to be changed before running the command.
    2. If you use the Content Manager OnDemand security exit to verify that user IDs are in the RACF® data base, the user IDs need to be changed to conform with RACF requirements.

    After running the command, you should receive several messages stating that a printer, and five users have been added successfully.

    If the command runs properly, you can use the OnDemand Administrator client to view the newly added users and printer.

  4. To remove the newly added object, run the following command: /usr/lpp/ars/V10R5M0/bin/arsxml delete -h instname -u user -p password -i deleteusers.xml -v


There are several other sample XML files that can be used. However, they all depend on the users that are created with the addusers.xml file.