Folder details

Table 1. Folder details API
HTTP verb URL Request parameters
GET /cmod-rest/v1/folders/{folderName} Content Manager OnDemand folder name

The folder details API takes a URL encoded folder name and returns an array of Content Manager OnDemand application group names that are defined to the specified folder as well as an array of search criteria for the specified folder.

The search criteria information returned by this API can be used by the Search with criteria API.

Sample request

GET /cmod-rest/v1/folders/Baxter%20Bay%20CC%20Statements HTTP/1.1
usi-date: 2023-11-13T18:32:20Z
Authorization: CMODSharedKey odvttstl01-68yXERhn79KNry/oV7IY:nb3mIK0jS3ruKvhRnB0pjyHydUfrMpvDYXnyF8Bi+FI=
Host: localhost

Sample response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: Servlet/4.0
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2023 18:32:21 GMT
Correlation-Id: 24191708-54a2-4c83-91c1-8a73253f0992
Content-Language: en-US
Content-Length: 1256

  "appGroupNames" : [ "Baxter Bay Credit" ],
  "criteria" : [ {
    "defaultOperator" : "Equals",
    "defaultValues" : [ "", "" ],
    "fieldName" : "Account",
    "fieldSubType" : "String",
    "fieldType" : "Normal",
    "required" : false,
    "validOperators" : [ "Equals", "In", "Like" ]
  }, {
    "defaultFormat" : "%m/%d/%y",
    "defaultOperator" : "Between",
    "defaultValues" : [ "04/03/90", "11/13/23" ],
    "fieldName" : "Date",
    "fieldSubType" : "Small Int",
    "fieldType" : "Normal",
    "required" : false,
    "validOperators" : [ "Equals", "Between" ]
  }, {
    "defaultOperator" : "Like",
    "defaultValues" : [ "%", "" ],
    "fieldName" : "Account Name",
    "fieldSubType" : "String",
    "fieldType" : "Normal",
    "required" : false,
    "validOperators" : [ "Equals", "Like" ]
  }, {
    "defaultOperator" : "Less Than or Equal",
    "defaultValues" : [ "", "" ],
    "fieldName" : "Account Balance",
    "fieldSubType" : "Decimal",
    "fieldType" : "Normal",
    "required" : false,
    "validOperators" : [ "Equals", "Less Than or Equal", "Greater Than or Equal", "In", "Not In" ]
  } ],
  "folderDescription" : "Baxter Bay Bank",
  "folderName" : "Baxter Bay CC Statements"