Run the large object fix programs

About this task

The ARSZLOFX program requires input, through the INAGLIST DD statement, of the application group names you want the program to work with. An optional date range can be entered to limit how much work is done at one time. For each application group name input record, the program identifies all of the application group data tables (where the indexes are stored) and the ARSOD table entries (limited by the optional date range) and updates the length value used for the large object header. A report is generated identifying the updates that were made.

The ARSZLOFX program generates an output file to the ODINDOUT DD statement. This file is used as input to the second step, the ARSMIGF3 program. The ARSMIGF3 program updates the Index Objects in the ARSODIND table.

You must prepare the input for the ARSZLOFX program before running this job.


  1. Prepare the inputs for ARSZLOFX.
    The hlq.USERPARM(ARSSSID) library member must contain:
    record 1
         columns 1-8: the constant DB2SSID=
         columns 9-12: the Db2 subsystem ID
    The hlq.USERPARM(ARSZLOFX) library member must contain:
    record 1
         columns 1-8: the constant DB2PLAN=
         columns 9-16: the Db2 plan name for program ARSZLOFX
    record 2
         columns 1-5: the constant TRACE (optional parameter which will generate 
                      debugging messages to SYSOUT)
    The INAGLIST DD statement is required. It has a record length of 82. It contains:
    record 1 through n
         columns 1-60: one Application Group Name per record
         columns 62-71: start date as YYYY-MM-DD
         columns 73-82: end date as YYYY-MM-DD

    If a start date is specified, an end date must also be specified.

  2. Run the ARSZLOFX and ARSMIGF3 programs.
    Changes required to the USERJCL member ARSZLOFX are described in comments at the beginning of this member.
  3. Submit the ARSZLOFX member of the USERJCL library.
    This program must be run on the Library Server, and must be run with the same userid as the server. The report from ARSZLOFX is written to the STATSOUT DD. Output from ARSMIGF3 is written to SYSPRINT Trace and error messages are written to the SYSOUT DD.