Searching for ODF report IDs

About this task

If you select Report IDs from the navigation pane, the administrative client displays all of the report IDs that are on the server. That list is retained as long as you are logged on to the server. You can run a search to find and display only the report IDs that you want to see. Follow these steps to search for report IDs:


  1. Select and expand the library server.
  2. Select and expand OnDemand Distribution Facility, right-click Report IDs, and select Find.
  3. In the Report ID field, enter the report ID that you want to use as search criteria.
    The default operator is Like. You can click Like and change it to Equal.
  4. In the Application Group field, enter the application group that is referenced by the report ID that you want to find.
    The default operator is Like. You can click Like and change it to Equal. You can specify the report ID or the application group, or both.