
Notes are small documents containing comments, clarifications, and reminders that can be attached to a document or report. Each note includes a time stamp specifying when the note was created, and the user ID of the person who created the note. In order to create notes, your Content Manager OnDemand administrator must first give you permission. If the Notes menu is greyed out it means you do not have permission to create notes.

Notes can be either private or public. If you create a note and specify it as private, only you can read the note. If you specify the note as public, all users will be able to read it.

When you have created and saved a note you cannot edit its contents. Thus you should carefully read your note before you save it. In order to delete a note you must have been granted delete permission by your Content Manager OnDemand administrator. If Delete Notes is greyed out, it means that you do not have permission to delete notes.

You can apply various kinds of formatting to the notes you create. This can make them easier to spot and easier to read.