Content Manager OnDemand search fields

  • Type text String, numbers, and dates in search entry fields. Content Manager OnDemand uses the values you type to search for documents. Examples of Search Entry Fields.
  • Type search text strings in all lower case or all upper case characters. Doing so means Content Manager OnDemand searches for and retrieves the same documents, for example, whether you type JONES or jones. Ask your Content Manager OnDemand administrator about any special requirements for typing search text strings for the Folder on your system.
  • Use Wildcard (Search) with the Like and Not Like search operators to represent any search character. The _ (underscore) character is a wildcard that matches a single letter, number, or other special character. The % (percentage) character is a wildcard that matches zero or more letters, numbers, or other special characters. Wildcards are valid only in string (character) fields. Examples of search wildcards
  • Search using date fields. Check with your Content Manager OnDemand administrator about any special requirements for typing dates and date ranges. You can specify a date by using slash (/), dash (-), or dot (.) characters for the delimiters. The slash, dash, and dot delimiters can be used interchangeably; the program allows any of them, regardless of which one you specified in the date format. You can specify a time by using colon (:) or dot (.) characters for the delimiters. The colon and dot delimiters can be used interchangeably; the program allows either of them, regardless of which one you specified in the time format.
Special date search options include:
  • To retrieve documents that contain the current system date, type T in the date search field and set the search operator to Equal To. See T date search option for details.
  • To retrieve the most recently loaded documents, type L in the date search field, set the date search operator to Equal To, and enter a value in at least one other search field. See L Date Search Option for details.
  • Connect search fields using AND/OR logical operators. The standard Content Manager OnDemand search connects fields with AND (that is, documents must satisfy all fields). The OR logical operator means the search must satisfy at least one search field. Examples of Connecting Search Fields