Memory heap size

During indexing and searching, the FTS Server consumes heap memory for storing the indexed documents, preprocessing and indexing queues, and indexing memory structures. To optimize the performance of the FTS Server, it is important that the maximum heap memory size in the Java virtual machine (JVM), the queue size, and file size limits are configured correctly. You can configure the maximum heap size by using the configuration tool.

The maxHeapSize parameter sets the maximum heap size for the FTS Server. The default is 1.5 GB. This value must be a number between 1.5 GB and the amount of available memory.

The maximum file size that can be processed is a function of the heap size. When you set the maximum heap size to a value greater than 2 GB, the file size limits for text, XML, and binary documents must be increased for new collections. For each 8.3 MB of heap memory over 2 GB, the values of the file size limits (60 MB by default) must be increased by 1 MB (up to 400 MB), as demonstrated by the following formula:
Max file size = 60 MB + (heap memory - 2 GB) / 8.3

For example, a 2 GB maximum heap size results in 60 MB as the maximum size of a file that can be processed.