Configuring the server to install user-defined files

All user-defined files must be stored in the custom subdirectory tree under the Content Manager OnDemand Windows client directory tree on the distribution server.

About this task

By default, the Windows client directory tree is ars32 (for the 32-bit client) or ars64 (for the 64-bit client). The Content Manager OnDemand Windows client directory tree on the distribution server is \client\windows\ars32 or \client\windows\ars64. The examples use ars32 but you should use ars64 if you are using the 64-bit client.


To configure the server to install user-defined files:

  1. Create a custom directory under the Windows client directory.
    For example: mkdir \client\windows\ars32\custom
  2. Add one or more of the following subdirectories to the custom directory. The subdirectories you add depend on the type of user-defined files you want to distribute to your users.
    For example:
    To hold Registry files (file type REG). These files will be imported into Registry on the user's workstation. Registry files typically comprise a selected branch of the Registry exported using a Registry editor.
    Note: It is easy to accidentally destroy important data and render a system completely unusable by importing Registry files. Be careful when using this function.
    To hold Windows files. The Setup program copies these files and subdirectories to the base Windows directory on the user's workstation. (The Setup program automatically determines the name of the base Windows directory on a user's workstation.) If necessary, add subdirectories. For example, suppose you plan to distribute Window 32-bit system files. You would add a SYSTEM32 subdirectory (\CLIENT\WINDOWS\ARS32\CUSTOM\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32). The Setup program copies files in this directory to the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 directory on the user's workstation.
    To hold miscellaneous Content Manager OnDemand client files. The Setup program copies these files and subdirectories to the \Program Files\IBM\OnDemand Clients\V10.5 directory tree on the user's workstation. If necessary, add subdirectories. For example, you plan to distribute AFP font files. Add a FONT subdirectory (\CLIENT\WINDOWS\ARS32\CUSTOM\FILES\FONT). The Setup program copies files in this directory to the \Program Files\IBM\OnDemand Clients\V10.5\FONT directory on the user's workstation.