Adding subdirectories

The user-defined files that you plan to distribute must be stored in the CUSTOM subdirectory tree under the main viewer installation directory. For example, you can name the main viewer installation directory \ONDEMAND\AFP32.


To configure the main viewer installation directory to hold user-defined files, do the following steps:

  1. Create a CUSTOM directory under the main viewer installation directory.
    For example: \ondemand\afp32\custom
    Tip: The CUSTOM directory can hold user-defined files (other than AFP font files and Windows TrueType font files) that you want to distribute to your users. The Setup program copies files from this directory to the AFP Web Viewer destination directory on the workstation.
  2. Add the subdirectories you need to store font files in the CUSTOM directory.
    The subdirectories you add depend on the type of user-defined files that you want to distribute to your users.
    • Create a FONT subdirectory under the CUSTOM directory to hold AFP font files (file types .FNT and .MAP). For example: \ondemand\afp32\custom\font. The Setup program copies these files to the AFP Web Viewer FONT directory on the workstation.
    • Create a TRUETYPE subdirectory under the CUSTOM directory to hold Windows TrueType font files (file type .TTF). For example: \ondemand\afp32\custom\truetype. The Setup program copies files from this directory to the Windows FONTS directory and installs the fonts in Windows.