Data areas

The following table identifies the data areas presented to exit routines. Mapping macros for these data areas are provided in the SARSINST data set. See the assembly listings of these data areas for details regarding the content and intended usage of the fields within each of these structures.
Table 1. ARSYSPIN exit routine data areas
Macro Name DSECT Name Description
ARSYUXPL ARSYUXPL Maps the principal interface parameter list pointed to by General Register 1 at entry to a given exit routine.
ARSYUXVD ARSYUXVD Maps the descriptor of an exit routine. Exit routine descriptors are contained within the ARSYUXVT structure.
ARSYUXVT ARSYUXVT Maps the User Exits Vector Table.
ARSYXOPA ARSYXOPA Maps the overall execution options structure.
ARSYXP ARSYXP Maps the interface data structures which are unique to each of the exit points.
ARSYXPCM ARSYXPCM Maps the interface data structure which is common to all exit points.
A mapping listing for reference can be produced by assembling the following source stream:
         TITLE 'ARSYUXPL: SPIN User Exit Interface Parameter List'
         TITLE 'ARSYUXVD: SPIN User Exit Vector Descriptor'
         TITLE 'ARSYUXVT: SPIN User Exit Vector Table'
         TITLE 'ARSYXOPA: SPIN Execution Options'
         TITLE 'ARSYXP: SPIN User Exit Data Structures'
         TITLE 'ARSYXPCM: SPIN User Exit Common Information Structure'
         END ,
The following figure illustrates how the data areas are interconnected.
Figure 1. Interconnection of data areas in ARSYSPIN exit routines
This graphic shows the interconnection of data areas in ARSYSPIN exit routines.