Configuring the system log user exit program requires the following steps:
- Use the OnDemand Administrator client to perform the following tasks:
- Enable Content Manager OnDemand to record system messages and determine the types of system messages recorded in the system log by selecting the appropriate options in the System Parameters dialog box (by using the OnDemand Administrator client).
- Enable Content Manager OnDemand to record application group messages by selecting the appropriate option in the System Parameters dialog box (by using the OnDemand Administrator client).
- Determine the types of application group messages Content Manager OnDemand records in the system log by setting Message Logging options when you create or update an application group (by using the OnDemand Administrator client).
- Enable Content Manager OnDemand to send messages to the system log user exit by selecting the appropriate options in the System Parameters dialog box (by using the OnDemand Administrator client).
- Associate an exit routine with the ARSLOG exit. This can be done
in one of the following ways:
- The EXIT statement of the PROGxx parmlib member. See z/OS® MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference for more information about the PROGxx parmlib member.
- The SETPROG EXIT operator command. For example: SETPROG EXIT, ADD, EXITNAME=ARSLOG, MOD=ARSULOG, DSNAME=ODEXITS.LOAD. For information about the SETPROG EXIT command, see the z/OS MVS System Commands.
After you have completed these steps, Content Manager OnDemand automatically records messages in the system log and sends the messages to the ARSLOG exit routine. The exit is implemented as an MVS™ dynamic exit.
Messages are sent to the ARSLOG exit routine as they are generated (that is, in real time). The messages are recorded in the Content Manager OnDemand system log table, with one row per generated message. You can also write an application that retrieves the records from the Content Manager OnDemand system log and generate custom reports that are specific to your needs.
The online help for the OnDemand Administrator client provides information about enabling Content Manager OnDemand to generate messages and send them to the ARSLOG exit routine. The online help also provides information about how to select which application group messages Content Manager OnDemand generates and sends to the ARSLOG exit routine.