High level language interfaces

The high level language security interface is implemented by two DLLs:
  • arsusec
  • arsuperm

The arsusec DLL is called for user login, add, delete or update. The arsuperm DLL is called to grant access to folders, application groups, documents, and query SQL.

The samples that are shipped (ARSUSEC, ARSUPERM, ARSUSECC, and ARSUPERC) initialize the ARSUSECA structure and call the ARSUSECX ARS.SECURITY exit driver. The high level language interfaces provide control of all the security functions. The assembler language interface accessed through the ARS.SECURITY exit does not allow for control of document and SQL query security.

The arsusec and arsuperm DLL modules are written in the C or COBOL programming language. They are provided in both source and executable forms, with the source being provided mainly as an aid in understanding the entire security system exit interface. The C version of arsusec and arsuperm are shipped in object form with the product and is located in the exits directory. If you modify ARSUPERM or ARSUSEC, they must be compiled with the IBM® C/C++ compiler. For details on compiling and binding a C DLL, see http://www.ibm.com/systems/z/os/zos/bkserv/.
Note: Both the sample ARSUSEC and ARSUPERM code will try to call arsusecz regardless of whether there is a dynamic exit associated with ARS.SECURITY. If you do not have an exit associated, the request will be denied. If you want to change this behavior, you need to modify the provided sample code.

For information about the COBOL compiler, refer to the Enterprise COBOL for z/OS® documentation at http://www.ibm.com/software/awdtools/cobol/zos/library/