Search operators
Search operators are used to specify how the value or values you enter into search fields are processed.
Search operators are comparisons between search values. Content Manager OnDemand returns each document for which the comparison is true. For example, you could use the Greater Than operator to search for all documents in which the account balance is more than $500. Most operators are used with single values. However, the Between, Not Between, In, and Not In operators take multiple values. For example, you could use the Between operator to search for all documents dated within the range March 11, 1998 through October 7, 2001.
When you click a search operator, Content Manager OnDemand displays the operators that are valid for that search field. Select the one you want from the display.
The following table describes the operators you can use with Content Manager OnDemand:
Operator | Description | Example |
Equal To | Search for the exact value specified. Used with both alphabetic and numeric values. | Date Equal To 03/05/06 returns
all documents dated March 5, 2006. |
Not Equal To | Search for values that do not match the value specified. Used with both alphabetic and numeric values. | Account Not Equal To 387192 returns
all documents that do not have the account number 387192. |
Greater Than | Search for values greater than the value specified. Used only with numeric values. | Account Balance Greater Than 500 returns
all documents with balances of $500.01 and higher. |
Greater Than Or Equal To | Search for values greater than or equal to the value specified. Used only with numeric values. | Account Balance Greater Than or Equal To
750 returns all documents with balances of $750.00 and higher. |
Less Than | Search for values less than the value specified. Used only with numeric values. | Report ID Less Than 71 returns
all reports with IDs of 70 and lower. |
Less Than Or Equal To | Search for values less than or equal to the value specified. Used only with numeric values. | Balance Less Than or Equal to 1500 returns
all documents with balances of $1500.00 and less. |
Like | Search for values matching a pattern. When you use the Like search operator, Content Manager OnDemand inserts the % wildcard after the character or characters that you enter and returns all values starting with the characters you specified. You can also insert the % wildcard before the characters you specify to search for all values that end with the characters you specified. Used with both alphabetic and numeric values. | Name Like Foo% returns all documents
with names beginning with 'Foo', for example Fooster or Fooslethorpe. Name
Like %am% returns all documents in which the letters 'am' appear
anywhere in the name. |
Not Like | Search for values that do not match the pattern. When you use the Not Like search operator, Content Manager OnDemand inserts the % wildcard after the character or characters that you enter and searches for all the values that do not start with the characters you specified. You can also insert the % wildcard before the characters you specify to search for all values that do not end with the characters you specified. Used with both alphabetic and numeric values. | Name Not Like Mer% returns all
documents in which the name does not begin with 'Mer'. Name Not Like
%mer% returns all documents in which the name does not include the
letters 'mer' anywhere in the name. |
Between | Search for values between a lower and upper value, including the lower and upper values. Always used with a pair of values; when you select the Between operator, Content Manager OnDemand automatically displays two search fields separated by the word 'and'. Used only with numeric values. | Account Between 174 and 283 returns
all documents in which the account number is from 174 through 283. |
Not Between | Search for values outside a lower and upper value. Always used with a pair of values; when you select the Not Between operator, Content Manager OnDemand automatically displays two search fields separated by the word 'and'. Used only with numeric values. | Account Balance Not Between 400 and 1700 returns
all documents in which the account balance is either lower than $400.00 or
higher than $1700.00. |
In | Search for values within a certain set. Values are separated by commas. Used with both alphabetic and numeric values. | Account Name In Gribble, Hickenbotham, Quackenbush,
Nutley, Thwarpe returns all documents in which the name is either
'Gribble', 'Hickenbotham', 'Quackenbush', 'Nutley', or 'Thwarpe'. |
Not In | Search for values outside of the specified set. Values are separated by commas. Used with both alphabetic and numeric values. | Account Not In 10335, 12083, 50112, 77149 returns
all documents in which the account number is not '10335', '12083', '50112',
or '77149'. |
Click Cancel to remove the Select Operator window from the display without changing the search operator.