Returned values
The following list describes the return codes that can
be specified.
- 0
- Allow the action
- 1
- Deny the action
- 2
- (Login only) Allow the log on but require the user to change the password.
- 3
- Exit failed
- 4
- (Login only) The exit executed successfully. However Content Manager OnDemandshould still verify the password to allow or deny login.
The following symbols for the return code are
defined for C in ARSCSXIT:
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
For any non-zero return code, the exit can place a null delimited string in msg or ArcCSXitSecurity-msg. This string will be displayed on the client in place of the client's normal failure message. This string (including the terminating X'00') should not exceed ARCCSXIT_MAX_SRVR_MESSAGE_SIZE (C) or the length of ArcCSXitSecurity-msg (COBOL) bytes.