Collecting information for the ODF system setup
In order to create the ODF objects to satisfy the business requirements, Andy gathers the details of the information that the team members need to be included in each of their ODF distributions.
Andy Smith collects the following information from his team and
provides the information to the ODF administrator:
- Report information
- Report ID, application group, and application.
- Recipient information
- Information about the recipients including their recipient names, email addresses, and the region that is covered by each recipient.
- Output requirements
- The output that is delivered to each recipient based on the individual's business need.
The following tables summarize the report name, recipients, and output requirements that Andy has gathered.
Report ID | Application group | Application |
Daily sales invoices |
Daily sales invoices |
Daily sales invoices |
Employee name | Recipient name | Department number | Email address | Region |
Andy Smith | ASMITH |
Dept. 777 | |
sf |
Thiago Ruiz | TRUIZ |
Dept. 777 | |
nsf (North San Francisco) |
Nadina Aleksandra | NALEKSAN |
Dept. 777 | |
wsf (West San Francisco) |
Sandeep Kapoor | SKAPOOR |
Dept. 777 | |
csf (Central and Twin Peaks) |
Ellen Wu | ELLENWU |
Dept. 777 | |
esf (East San Francisco) |
Recipient | Report | Selection criteria | Type of output | Timing of output |
Andy Smith | Daily sales invoices |
Reports for Andy Smith, Thiago Ruiz, Nadina Aleksandra, Sandeep Kapoor, and Ellen Wu | Hardcopy | Every morning at 8 a.m. |
Thiago Ruiz | Daily sales invoices |
North San Francisco region | Email attachments | As soon as the reports arrive |
Nadina Aleksandra | Daily sales invoices |
West San Francisco region | Hardcopy | Every day at 5 p.m. |
Sandeep Kapoor | Daily sales invoices |
Central and Twin Peaks region | Files (with the value SANDEEP as
the high-level qualifier of his z/OS® data
sets) |
When both reports are ready, otherwise print whatever is ready at 5:30 p.m. every day |
Ellen Wu | Daily sales invoices |
East San Francisco region | Hardcopy | Ellen wants to be notified when a sales invoice becomes available |