Select and expand the library server.
Select and expand OnDemand Distribution Facility,
right-click Distributions, and select Find.
To get a list of distributions for a specified recipient
or recipient list, enter a value in the Recipient/List field.
The default operator is Like. You can
click Like and change it to Equal.
To get a list of distributions that match a distribution
name, enter a value in the Distribution Name field.
default operator is Like. You can click Like and
change it to Equal.
To get a list of report bundles for a specific job name,
enter a value in the Job Name field.
The default operator
is Like. You can click Like and
change it to Equal.
- Optional:
You can select the Display
dialog the first time Distributions are selected check
box to display the Search for Distributions window.
If the checkbox is not selected, a query is automatically performed
and a list of all of the distributions appear. The Search
for Distributions window is not displayed by default.