The REPORT output file lists each input record and indicates whether it passed validation. Rejected input prints on the report with one asterisk (*). messages from the ARSZDAPB program print is prefixed by two asterisks (**), and messages returned from the API call print on the report prefixed by three asterisks (***).

 ARSZDAPB Report of REQFILE input      
*  = Edit error of input detected by ARSZDAPB          
** = Message issued by program ARSZDAPB                 
***= Message returned by the API                       
   REQUEST            LOGON                            
   MIDSERVER          hostname.address                       
   MIDPORT            3333                             
   LIBSERVER          9.99.999.99                       
   LIBPORT            1111                             
   FOLDERNAME         CHK%                             
   TRACELEVEL         1                                
   LOGONID            adminid                           
   PASSWORD           admpass
***Folder List for 1069624575357-9 successful- user has access to <4> folders.                 
          Maximum requested = <50> folders returned = 4         
   REQUEST            FOLDER OPEN                      
   FOLDERNAME         CHKSTMNT                         
   FOLDERNAME         CHKSTMNT       
***Open Folder for 1069624575357-9 successful           
   REQUEST            HIT LIST                          
   CRITERIA#          1                                 
   SCOP               L                                 
   SCVALUE1           123                               
   SCSORTOPT          A                                 
   CRITERIA#          4                                 
   SCOP               B                                 
   SCVALUE1           2003-01-01                        
   SCVALUE2           2003-08-06                        
   SCSORTOPT          A             
***Hit List for 1069624575357-9 successful - user has access to <29> hits. 
          Maximum requested=<50> hits returned = 29             
   REQUEST            RETRIEVE                          
   RSLOGOFLAG         N                                 
   RSLOGOFLAG         N                            
   RSDOCFLAG          D                            
   HIT#               2              
***Retrieve for 1069624575357-9 successful         
   REQUEST            RELEASE                      
   REQUEST            LOGOFF    
***Logoff 1069624575357-9 successful 
 ** ARSZDAPB Normal end of job