Processing reports and resources

About this task

The ARSLOAD program divides the input data into indexed groups of pages (documents) and compresses the documents into storage objects. Dividing a report into groups of pages improves the efficiency of queries and can improve the time required to retrieve and display the report. Compression improves the efficiency of the storage manager. In this step, the ARSLOAD program:
  • Extracts the compression information from the application.
  • Extracts the storage management information from the application group. The storage management information determines the storage locations, such as cache storage and archive storage.
  • Compresses the documents into storage objects. Content Manager OnDemand compresses report data into approximately 100 KB blocks (a default value) and places the blocks into a storage object. Content Manager OnDemand uses a 10 MB storage object (a default value) to improve storage efficiency and performance. Compressed data does not span storage objects. Content Manager OnDemand assigns unique file names to the storage objects and sequentially numbers them within an application group.