How to remove index data

Content Manager OnDemand does not delete expired index data from the database until expiration processing runs. The ARSMAINT program is the expiration utility. You can schedule the ARSMAINT program to run automatically or you can run it manually. You should make sure that the ARSMAINT program command runs periodically so that Content Manager OnDemand deletes indexes when it is time to do so (so that expired documents can no longer be retrieved). See ARSMAINT for details about the parameters and options that you can specify.

You can control automatic expiration processing by scheduling the ARSMAINT program to run with the appropriate options.

You can also manually start expiration processing by running the ARSMAINT program from the prompt. For example, to run expiration processing, enter the following command at the prompt:
     arsmaint -d
When the ARSMAINT program removes indexes, it saves the following message in the system log:
     128 ApplGrp Segment Expire (ApplGrp) (Segment)
One message is saved in the system log for each table that was dropped during expiration processing.