Interface exit components

In addition to the ARSCSXIT (C header) and ARSCSXIC (COBOL copybook) members of SARSINST, the following are provided in source form in SARSINST:
ARSUPREP contains a sample exit written in C. ARSUPREC contains a sample exit in COBOL. ARSUPREJ contains sample JCL to compile and bind the COBOL sample.

The client preview exit is implemented by a DLL called arsuprep. There is only one arsuprep DLL per Content Manager OnDemand instance. This DLL must be stored in the /usr/lpp/ars/V10R5M0/bin/exits directory. The DLL must have an exported entry point of PREPEXIT and be APF authorized.

When compiling the ARSUPREP C sample the following compiler options must be specified:
  • DEFINE(OS390)
  • DLL
  • RENT

The client preview exit is enabled for specific applications. For example, your archive might contain thousands of applications but you only want to enable the client preview exit on a few of these applications. To enable the client preview exit for a specific application, ensure that the Use Preview Exit option is selected on the Miscellaneous Options page of the application.

This exit runs in a threaded environment. The exit must be thread-safe.

ARSUPREP contains logic to read and write the HFS files that are passed from the Content Manager OnDemand object server to the client. When the Content Manager OnDemand server displays a segment, the server retrieves the segment and places it in an HFS file. When a preview exit is specified for an application, the HFS file is passed to the preview exit, arsuprep. After the preview exit completes its processing, a modified HFS file is created and control is passed back to the Content Manager OnDemand server. In a multiple object server environment, the arsuprep DLL is installed on each object server.