Interface exit components
The client preview exit is implemented by a DLL called arsuprep. There is only one arsuprep DLL per Content Manager OnDemand instance. This DLL must be stored in the /usr/lpp/ars/V10R5M0/bin/exits directory. The DLL must have an exported entry point of PREPEXIT and be APF authorized.
The client preview exit is enabled for specific applications. For example, your archive might contain thousands of applications but you only want to enable the client preview exit on a few of these applications. To enable the client preview exit for a specific application, ensure that the Use Preview Exit option is selected on the Miscellaneous Options page of the application.
This exit runs in a threaded environment. The exit must be thread-safe.
ARSUPREP contains logic to read and write the HFS files that are passed from the Content Manager OnDemand object server to the client. When the Content Manager OnDemand server displays a segment, the server retrieves the segment and places it in an HFS file. When a preview exit is specified for an application, the HFS file is passed to the preview exit, arsuprep. After the preview exit completes its processing, a modified HFS file is created and control is passed back to the Content Manager OnDemand server. In a multiple object server environment, the arsuprep DLL is installed on each object server.