LOGON command
Content Manager OnDemand attempts a logon with the specified server name, user ID, and password.
Command | Parameters |
LOGON | /S server
name /U user id /P password /R |
- Parameters
- S
- Specifies the logon server name. This parameter is required.
- U
- Specifies the logon user ID. This parameter is required.
- P
- Specifies the logon password. This parameter is required.
- R
- Indicates that if the logon fails, control is to be returned. This parameter is optional. If this parameter is not specified and the logon fails, the Content Manager OnDemand Logon dialog box is displayed.
- Action
- A list of the available server names can be retrieved by using the GET_SERVERS command. If a user is already logged on, a logoff is performed prior to the logon. If the logon fails, the action is determined by the /R parameter.
- Return Code
- 0
- 2
- 11
- 13
- 25
- 26
- Return Data
- If the logon is successful, Content Manager OnDemand returns the user ID and password that were used to logon. The null-terminated character string contains the user ID, followed by a tab character, followed by the password.
Refer to f the DoDdeCommand function.
char parms[200];
sprintf( parms,
"/S %s /U %s /P %s",
"vrxotwc" );
DoDdeCommand( "LOGON", parms, NULL );