Diagnostic Tool for Java Garbage Collector
The Diagnostic Tool for Java Garbage Collector is a diagnostic tool for optimizing parameters affecting the garbage collector when using the IBM® Java virtual machine (JVM).
Applications that run under Java™ use what is known as a Java heap for garbage collection, which serves as a storage manager in Java development kits provided by IBM and runtime environments.
- the frequency of the garbage collection cycle
- the time spent in different phases of the garbage collection
- the quantities of heap memory involved in the process
- the characteristics of the allocation failures from which the garbage collection originate
- the unwanted presence of stack overflows
Diagnostic Tool for Java Garbage Collector helps to examine the characteristics of the garbage collection for an application running under a JVM by reading the output of the "verbose" garbage collection and producing textual and graphical visualizations and related statistics. This tool is well suited for looking at the garbage collector activity of a frequently-accessed enterprise application hosted by a WebSphere® Application Server. The tool includes a "multiple file analysis" modality that allows the loading of two or more files simultaneously, thereby enabling you to compare the behavior of two or more application servers in a WebSphere cluster.
- IBM JVM Version 1.5.0
- IBM JVM Version 1.5
- IBM JVM Version 1.2.2