Installing the OnDemand Administrator client

About this task

You install the OnDemand Administrator client by running the Setup program on your workstation.

Important: If you plan to use the Report Wizard or the graphical indexer from the OnDemand Administrator client to process PDF input files, then you must first install the full Adobe Acrobat product or Adobe Acrobat Approval. For information about how to obtain Adobe Acrobat products, see Adobe on the web at Content Manager OnDemand provides the ARSPDF32.API file to enable PDF viewing from the client. If you install the client after you install Adobe Acrobat, then the installation program will copy the API file to the Acrobat plug-in directory. If you install the client before you install Adobe Acrobat, then you must copy the API file to the Acrobat plug-in directory. Also, if you upgrade to a new version of Acrobat, then you must copy the API file to the new Acrobat plug-in directory. The default location of the API file is \Program Files\IBM\OnDemand Clients\V10.5\PDF. The default Acrobat plug-in directory is \Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat x.y\Acrobat\Plug_ins, where x.y is the version of Acrobat, for example, 4.0, 5.0, and so forth.