Using SSL between ODWEK and the Content Manager OnDemand server

If you want to connect your ODWEK application to a Content Manager OnDemand server that is configured to listen on an SSL port, the ODWEK Java APIs must also be configured. Once ODWEK has the information it needs, all communication between it and the Content Manager OnDemand server is done by using SSL.

About this task

Configure these three SSL-specific values using a java.util.Properties object which is passed to the ODConfig constructor. See Passing additional parameters to the ODConfig constructor for details. The SSL values are specified as follows:
Properties cfgProps = new Properties(); 
cfgProps.setProperty(ODConfig.USE_SSL_DEFAULT, "TRUE"); 
cfgProps.setProperty(ODConfig.SSL_KEYRINGFILE, "/opt/ssl/ondemand.kdb"); 
cfgProps.setProperty(ODConfig.SSL_KEYRINGSTASH, "/opt/ssl/ondemand.sth");

If the SSL .kdb and .sth files are valid and the server has been configured to listen on an SSL port, the only other important step is to make sure that the proper port is specified before logon.

odServer.setPort(14450); // this is the SSL port that the server 
                            has been configured to use 
odServer.logon( “”, “admin”, “secret” );

For instructions on how to configure the Content Manager OnDemand server to listen on an SSL port, see the IBM® Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms: Installation and Configuration Guide.

Note: The support of SSL and ODWEK refers specifically to the transfer of data between ODWEK and the Content Manager OnDemand server(s) and does not imply a level of support from the browser to ODWEK. Using SSL from the browser to ODWEK has always been allowed and does not require any support from ODWEK; it is the application or web developer’s responsibility to enable such support.