The CICS® transaction SAPI invokes ARSZDAPC, which displays the LOGON Panel. The information specified on the LOGON panel is used to build the structured API LOGON request (see Figure 1).
Figure 1. Example of the LOGON panel
                      Structured API Sample CICS Program  
                              LOGON Panel                                      
            UserID: ________                                                        
       Folder Name: _____________________________________________________________      
        List Limit:    50
    Hit List Limit:    50
    Library Server: 9.99.999.99                                                  
              Port: 1111 
        API Server: hostname.address                                              
              Port: 3333  
         Code Page: 00500  
 <Enter> Validate  <F3> End   <F4> Case   <F5> Logon    <F6> Expand
You can perform one of the five functions on the LOGON Panel:
Function Function Description
Enter Validate Validates the LOGON Panel input fields and identifies input errors.
F3 End Ends the SAPI transaction.
F4 Case Invokes the Establish Terminal Case panel
F5 Logon Logs onto the system.
F6 Expand Expands the user ID and password. If the user ID and password values are longer than what the data entry fields on the LOGON panel allows, then press F6 from the LOGON panel to display the Expanded UserID and Password screen (see Figure 2).
Figure 2. Example of the Expanded UserID and Password screen
                       Structured API Sample CICS Program 
                         Expanded UserID and Password                          
   The UserID and Password may be a maximum of 128 characters with some Servers 
     This screen allows you to enter the maximum length UserID and Password     
    UserID: ____________________________________________________________________
              <Enter> Validate  <F3> End    <F12> Return 
Function Description
Enter Validates the Expanded Userid Panel input fields and identifies input errors.
F3 Ends the SAPI transaction.
F12 Returns to the LOGON Panel. You must provide a user ID and password before pressing F12.
Figure 3. Example of the Establish Terminal Case screen
                       Structured API Sample CICS Program 
                           Establish Terminal Case                            
  The OnDemand Server is sensitive to text case for values used for folder       
  selection. Use the <F> keys below to set text case conversion.                
 <F4> Set terminal to convert transaction code only to upper case               
 <F5> Set terminal to convert all text to upper case                            
 <F6> Set terminal to not perform any text upper case conversion 
             <F3> Exit                   <F12> Return                           
You can perform one of the five functions on the Establish Terminal Case screen:
Function Description
F3 Ends the SAPI transaction.
F4 Converts transaction code only to upper case.
F5 Converts all text to upper case.
F6 Does not perform any text upper case conversion.
F12 Returns to LOGON Panel.