A successful hit list request displays a Hit List Panel that contains the document list matching the search criteria. The criteria field names display as column headers on the Hit List Panel (see Figure 1).
Figure 1. An example of the Hit List Panel
                  Structured API Sample CICS Program                          
                                                                +  Row 1 of 50
                           Hit List Panel                       + Col 1 of 104
A                                                                 >>
LINE            4   1992-12-18    123000022      176-74-6868   RICHARD M LA   
LINE            0   1992-12-18    123000055      619-60-6781   NANCY C JOHN   
LINE            0   1992-12-18    123000261      150-62-4182                  
LINE            0   1992-12-18    123000287      801-74-4313                  
LINE            0   1992-12-18    123000352      435-02-0453                  
LINE            0   1992-12-18    123000469      801-54-5350   JIMMIE L PYL   
LINE            0   1992-12-18    123000535      435-28-2521                  
LINE            0   1992-12-18    123000709      801-64-9117   W O POWELL     
LINE            0   1992-12-18    123000733      435-28-4255   MR A B WATT    
LINE            0   1992-12-18    123001004      150-82-0730   DEBBIE E MOR   
LINE            0   1992-12-18    123001038      801-46-1260   EMMIE E MILL   
LINE            0   1992-12-18    123001053      987-32-3217   SUSAN M MILL   
LINE            0   1992-12-18    123001111      435-28-9485                  
LINE            0   1992-12-18    123001137      694-46-0974   STEPHEN CARL   
LINE            0   1992-12-18    123001178      777-58-2777   MR JAMES T S   
Hit List for 1070329324323-9 successful - user has access to <165> hits. Maxim
um requested=<50> hits returned = 50 RC: 00000                                
<Ent> Select     <F3> Logoff           <F8> +          <F10> -> <F12> Return                        
You can perform any of the following functions on the Folder Criteria Panel:
Function Display Description
Enter Select Processes the value in the action column.
Select Document
Select Annotations
F3 Logoff LOGOFF, return to LOGON Panel
F7 - Scroll back (towards beginning of list). "<F7> -" is displayed only when a scroll back is allowed.
F8 + Scroll forward (towards beginning of list). "<F7> -" is displayed only when a scroll back is allowed.
F9 <- Scroll left (towards left margin). "<F9> <-" is displayed only when a scroll left is allowed.
F10 -> Scroll right (towards right margin). "<F10> ->" is displayed only when a scroll right is allowed.
F12 Return Return to the Folder Criteria Panel