
The following ARSDOC examples include guidance on how to add a user ID to the stash file. For example, to add the user ID named sysadmin to the stash file, enter the following command:

arsstash -a 1 -s stash_file -u sysadmin
-a 1
Adds the user ID to the stash file.
-s stash_file
Name of the stash file.
-u sysadmin
User ID that is added to the stash file (if -u sysadmin is used on command line, then -p is not required since the password is obtained from the stash file).
  1. The following shows how to use the GET function to retrieve documents and save them in a file in the current directory.
      arsdoc get -h ARCHIVE -u sysadmin -f "Student Information" 
       -o student -c -S "2018-01-01,2018-12-31,%Y-%m-%d"
       -i "WHERE student='0012003400563'" -v
    The ARSDOC program saves all of the documents that match the query in the following output file: student
  2. The following shows how to use the GET function and a parameter file to run more than one query at a time. The parameter file is in the current directory. The output files are saved in the current directory.
      arsdoc get -h ARCHIVE -u sysadmin -F parmfile -v
    The parameter file contains two queries:
    [-f "Student Information"] [-S "2018-01-01,2018-12-31,%Y-%m-%d"] [-o (student)(type)] \
    [-i "WHERE student='123420010056' AND type='B' OR type='G' OR type='T'"]
    [-f "Student Information"] [-S "2018-01-01,2018-12-31,%Y-%m-%d"] [-o (student)(type)] \
    [-i "WHERE student='123450011917' AND type='B' OR type='G' OR type='T'"]
    Assuming that documents exist for all of the specified types, the ARSDOC program creates the following output files:
    • 123420010056.B
    • 123420010056.G
    • 123420010056.T
    • 123450011917.B
    • 123450011917.G
    • 123450011917.T
  3. The following shows how to use the GET function to retrieve documents, write the documents to a file, and generate and save generic index data for the documents that match the query. The example shows how to specify the name of a public named query that is valid for the specified folder.
      arsdoc get -h ARCHIVE -u sysadmin -f "Student Information"
       -a -c -g -o student -q "3rd yr students GPA>3.5" -N -v
    The number of output files that the ARSDOC program generates is a factor of the number of application groups queried, the applications contained in the application groups, whether the data is AFP and if so, the versions of resource groups in each application. At a minimum, for AFP data with one version of the resource group and one application group, the ARSDOC program generates three output files. For example, if the name of the application group is "Student Information" and the name of the application is "Transcripts":
    • student.1.Student Information.Transcripts.ind
    • student.1.Student Information.Transcripts.out
    • student.1.Student Information.Transcripts.res
    For AFP data, if there is more than one version of the resource group per application, then the ARSDOC program can generate additional output files. For example:
    • student.1.Student Information.Transcripts.ind
    • student.1.Student Information.Transcripts.out
    • student.1.Student Information.Transcripts.res
    • student.2.Student Information.Transcripts.out
    • student.2.Student Information.Transcripts.ind
    • student.2.Student Information.Transcripts.res
    If the application group contains more than one application, then the ARSDOC program can generate additional output files. For example, if the name of the application group is "Student Information" and the name of the applications are "Transcripts", "Bills", and "Grades" then the following additional output files might be generated:
    • student.1.Student Information.Bills.ind
    • student.1.Student Information.Bills.out
    • student.1.Student Information.Bills.res
    • student.2.Student Information.Grades.out
    • student.2.Student Information.Grades.ind
    • student.2.Student Information.Grades.res
  4. The following example shows how to use the GET function to retrieve a document for account number 000-000-000 that has been placed on hold for audit purposes. The required document contains the text Baxter Bay Holdings.
      arsdoc get -h ARCHIVE -u sysadmin -f "Credit Card Reports" 
       -S "2018-01-01,2018-12-31,%Y-%m-%d"  
       -i "where account = '000-000-000'" -l audit_hold 
       -t "Baxter Bay Holdings" -o outfile -v
  5. The following shows how to use the QUERY function to generate a list of items and save the list in a file in the current directory.
      arsdoc query -h ARCHIVE -u sysadmin 
       -f "Student Information" -o query1.out -H -S "2018-01-01,2018-12-31,%Y-%m-%d" 
       -i "WHERE student='0012003400563' AND type='B' OR type='G' OR type='T'" -v
  6. The following shows how to use the QUERY function and a parameter file to run more than one query at a time. The parameter file is in the current directory. The output files are saved in the current directory.
      arsdoc query -h ARCHIVE -u sysadmin -F parmfile -v
    The parameter file contains three queries:
      [-f "Student Information"] [-i "WHERE type='B'"] [-o query2.out] \
      [-S "2018-01-01,2018-12-31,%Y-%m-%d"] [-H] [-N (student)(id)(p_date)]
      [-f "Student Information"] [-i "WHERE type='G'"] [-o query3.out] \
      [-S "2018-01-01,2018-12-31,%Y-%m-%d"] [-H] [-N (student)(id)(p_date)]
      [-f "Student Information"] [-i "WHERE type='T'"] [-o query4.out] \
      [-S "2018-01-01,2018-12-31,%Y-%m-%d"] [-H] [-N (student)(id)(p_date)]
  7. The following example shows how to use the QUERY function to search a specific application group:
      arsdoc query -h ARCHIVE -u sysadmin 
       -G "Bills" -f "Student Information" 
       -S "2018-01-01,2018-12-31,%Y-%m-%d"
       -i "WHERE student='0012-0034-0056'" -v
  8. The following example shows how to use the ADD function to add a document to the Credit Card Statements folder:
      arsdoc add -h ARCHIVE -u sysadmin -o /newdata/crd.dat 
       -n "crd_date=2018-01-21" -n "account='000-000-000'" -n balance=123.45 
       -n "name='John Watpole'" -f "Credit Card Statements" -g CRD -a CRD -v
  9. The following example shows how to use the UPDATE function to update a document in the Credit Card Statements folder, changing the balance from 123.45 to 0.00:
      arsdoc update -h ARCHIVE -u sysadmin 
       -i "where account='000-000-000' and name='John Watpole'" 
       -n "balance=0.00" -S "2018-01-01,2018-12-31,%Y-%m-%d" 
       -f "Credit Card Statements" -g CRD -v
  10. The following example shows how to use the BULK_UPDATE function to update all documents within a date range of 1990-01-01 to 2018-12-31 for account number 000-000-000 in the Credit Card Statements application group, changing the account number 000-000-000 to 100-000-000:
      arsdoc bulk_update -h ARCHIVE -u sysadmin -g CRD
       -i "where account='000-000-000'" -n "account=100-000-000" 
       -S "1990-01-01,2018-12-31,%Y-%m-%d" -v
  11. The following example shows how to use the DELETE function to delete a document from the Credit Card Statements folder:
      arsdoc delete -h ARCHIVE -u sysadmin 
       -i "where account='000-000-000' and name='John Watpole'" 
       -f "Credit Card Statements" -S "2018-01-01,2018-12-31,%Y-%m-%d" -v
  12. The following example shows how to use the BULK_DELETE function to delete all documents within a date range of 1990-01-01 to 2018-12-31 for account number 000-000-000 in the Credit Card Statements application group. A maximum number of 100 documents will be deleted at one time, regardless of the number of items that match the query. This method allows for the deletions to be done in smaller batches, in a more controlled manner, by running the same ARSDOC command multiple times:
      arsdoc bulk_delete -h ARCHIVE -u sysadmin -g CRD
       -i "where account='000-000-000'" 
       -S "1990-01-01,2018-12-31,%Y-%m-%d" -L 100 -v
  13. The following example shows how to use the PRINT function to send the documents that match a query to a server printer:
      arsdoc print -h ARCHIVE -u sysadmin -P svrprt1 
       -i "where account='000-000-000' and name='John Watpole'" 
       -f "Credit Card Statements" -S "2018-01-01,2018-12-31,%Y-%m-%d" -v
  14. You can use the ADD function of the ARSDOC program to add an index that points to an existing document. For example, assume that you loaded a bank statement for account number 000-000-000, date 2018-05-23, and account name Joe Smith. You want to add a new index, but point to the existing statement. The new index uses the same account number and date, but contains a different account name (for example, Sally Smith). After adding the index, if a query is run with account name Joe Smith or Sally Smith, the same bank statement will be retrieved. To add an index for an existing document:
      arsdoc add -h ARCHIVE -u sysadmin 
       -i "where sdate='2018-05-23' and account='000-000-000' and name='Joe Smith'" 
       -n "name='Sally Smith'" 
       -f "Credit Card Statements" -S "2018-01-01,2018-12-31,%Y-%m-%d" -v
  15. The following example shows how to use the QUERY function to limit a search to the documents that were loaded into the system under a specific load ID. For example, assume that the specified folder could be used to search several application groups; each application group contains more than one application; there are 500,000 documents in the application groups. By using the -x parameter, the query will be limited to the set of documents that was loaded into the system under the specified load ID. Without the -x parameter, the query is run against all 500,000 documents.
      arsdoc query -h ARCHIVE -u sysadmin -f "Student Information"
       -x 167332-2-0-8FAA-20181219000000-20181219000000-167333 
       -o outfile -v
  16. The following example shows how to use the QUERY function to limit a search to the documents that were loaded into the system under a specific load ID. In the example, the load ID, application group name, and query string are provided. The search is limited to documents that were loaded into the specified application group under the specified load ID and that match the specified student number.
      arsdoc query -h ARCHIVE -u sysadmin -G BILLS
       -i "where student = '123420010056'"
       -x 167332-2-0-8FAA-20181219000000-20181219000000-167333
       -o outfile -v
  17. The following example shows how to use the GET function and an index file to retrieve documents from the system. The index file was generated for the set of documents that was loaded into the system under the specified load ID. When using the -X parameter, documents are retrieved based on the information in the index file.
      arsdoc get -h ARCHIVE -u sysadmin -G BILLS
       -X 167332-2-0-8FAA-20181219000000-20181219000000-167333
       -o outfile -v
  18. The following example is for the -B parameter. You want to print all of the documents in the Credit Card Statements folder that have an account number of 000-000-000. The documents are to be printed in sorted ascending order based on the balance:
      arsdoc print -h ARCHIVE -u sysadmin 
       -i "where account = '000-000-000'" -f "Credit Card Statements" 
       -S "2018-01-01,2018-12-31,%Y-%m-%d"
       -P odprinter -B balance -v
  19. The following example is for the -Q parameter. You want to retrieve three documents from the Credit Card Statements folder that have an account number of 000-000-000, 000-000-001, and 000-000-002. The documents are queried using three different SQL query strings that are specified in the file named SQL_filename. The three documents will be concatenated together in one output file.
      arsdoc get -h ARCHIVE -u sysadmin -f "Credit Card Statements" 
       -Q SQL_filename -S "2018-01-01,2018-12-31,%Y-%m-%d"
       -o loaddata -a -g -c -N -v
    The SQL_filename file contains the following:
    # search for account number 000-000-000
     where account = '000-000-000' 
    # search for account number 000-000-001 using multiple lines 
      = '000-000-001' 
    # search for account number 000-000-002
     where account = '000-000-002'
    The following is an example of the messages that are generated by the ARSDOC program when multiple SQL queries are used:
    03/10/2018 10:32:12: Starting arsdoc. Version:
    03/10/2018 10:32:14: arsdoc get -h ARCHIVE -u sysadmin -f "Credit Card Statements" -Q SQL_filename -o loaddata -a -g -c -N -v
    03/10/2018 10:32:14: Attempting login for userid ’sysadmin’ on server ’ARCHIVE’ ...
    03/10/2018 10:32:20: Login successful
    03/10/2018 10:32:20: Searching for folder 'Credit Card Statements' ...
    03/10/2018 10:32:27: Search successful
    03/10/2018 10:32:27: Searching for documents in 'Credit Card Statements' ...
    03/10/2018 10:32:28: Querying database with SQL string 'where account = '000-000-000''
    03/10/2018 10:32:28: 1 document(s) matches the search criteria.'
    03/10/2018 10:32:29: Search successful
    03/10/2018 10:32:29: Searching for documents in 'Credit Card Statements' ...
    03/10/2018 10:32:30: Querying database with SQL string 'where account = '000-000-001''
    03/10/2018 10:32:32: 1 document(s) matches the search criteria.'
    03/10/2018 10:32:33: Search successful
    03/10/2018 10:32:33: Searching for documents in 'Credit Card Statements' ...
    03/10/2018 10:32:34: Querying database with SQL string 'where account = '000-000-002''
    03/10/2018 10:32:38: 1 document(s) matches the search criteria.'
    03/10/2018 10:32:38: Search successful
    03/10/2018 10:32:56: 3 document(s) have been queried. Retrieving 3 document(s).
    03/10/2018 10:33:05: (1): Retrieving document for userid 'sysadmin' ...
    03/10/2018 10:33:05: Document successfully retrieved and stored in file 'loaddata.2.CRD.CRD.out'
    03/10/2018 10:33:07: (2): Retrieving document for userid 'sysadmin' ...
    03/10/2018 10:33:10: Document successfully retrieved and stored in file 'loaddata.2.CRD.CRD.out'
    03/10/2018 10:33:12: (3): Retrieving document for userid 'sysadmin' ...
    03/10/2018 10:33:15: Document successfully retrieved and stored in file 'loaddata.2.CRD.CRD.out'
    03/10/2018 10:33:24: arsdoc completed.
  20. The following is an example of the HOLD_ADD function:
      arsdoc hold_add -h ARCHIVE -u sysadmin 
       -l hold_audit -f "Monthly Status Reports" 
       -i "where code='TX' and ODDAT_sdate='2018-08-10'" 
       -S "2018-01-01,2018-12-31,%Y-%m-%d" -v
  21. The following is an example of the HOLD_RELEASE function:
      arsdoc hold_release -h ARCHIVE -u sysadmin 
       -l hold_audit -f "Monthly Status Reports" 
       -i "where code='TX' and ODDAT_sdate='2018-08-10'" 
       -S "2018-01-01,2018-12-31,%Y-%m-%d" -v
  22. The following example shows how to release an implied hold by using IMPLIED_HOLD as the name of the hold:
      arsdoc hold_release -h ARCHIVE -u sysadmin 
       -l IMPLIED_HOLD -f "Monthly Status Reports" 
       -i "where code='TX' and sdate='2018-08-10'" -v
  23. The following is an example of the CFSOD_FED function:
      arsdoc cfsod_fed -h ARCHIVE -u sysadmin 
       -f "Monthly Status Reports" 
       -i "where code='TX' and ODDAT_sdate='2018-08-10'" 
       -S "2018-01-01,2018-12-31,%Y-%m-%d" -v
  24. The following is an example of the FTI_ADD function:
      arsdoc fti_add -h ARCHIVE -u sysadmin 
       -f "Monthly Status Reports" 
       -i "where code='TX' and ODDAT_sdate='2018-08-10'" 
       -S "2018-01-01,2018-12-31,%Y-%m-%d" -v
  25. The following is an example of the FTI_RELEASE function:
      arsdoc fti_release -h ARCHIVE -u sysadmin 
    -f "Monthly Status Reports" 
    -i "where code='TX' and ODDAT_sdate='2018-08-10'" 
    -S "2018-01-01,2018-12-31,%Y-%m-%d" -v
  26. The following example shows how to search the Content Manager OnDemand System Log:
      arsdoc query -u sysadmin -h ARCHIVE -f "System Log" 
       -i "where ODDAT_time_stamp > '2015-01-01 12:50:00.000000' AND 
       userid like 'ODUSER%'" 
  27. The following example shows a second method to search the Content Manager OnDemand System Log:
      arsdoc query -u sysadmin -h ARCHIVE -f "System Log"
       -i "WHERE ODDAT_time_stamp BETWEEN '2015-01-01 00:00:00.000000' AND 
       '2015-01-06 23:59:59.999999' AND
       userid LIKE 'ODUSER%'" 
  28. The following example shows a third method to search the Content Manager OnDemand System Log:
      arsdoc query -u sysadmin -h ARCHIVE -f "System Log"
       -i "WHERE ODDAT_time_stamp BETWEEN '2015-01-01 00:00:00.000000' AND
       '2015-01-06 23:59:59.999999' AND userid LIKE 'ODUSER%'"
       -S "2014-01-01 00:00:00.000000,2015-01-06 00:00:00.000000,
       %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%F" 
  29. The following example shows how to use a tokenized query string:
      arsdoc query -u sysadmin -h ARCHIVE -f "Credit Card Statements"
       -i "2;ODDAT_crd_date,account;'2018-03-03','000-000-000';
       where ODDAT_crd_date = ? and account = ?" 
       -S "2017-01-01,2018-04-30,%Y-%m-%d"