
Table 1. Ping API
HTTP verb URL Request parameters
GET /cmod-rest/v1/ping None

The ping API provides system and runtime specific information for the deployed REST Services.

Sample request

GET /cmod-rest/v1/ping HTTP/1.1
usi-date: 2023-12-11T14:43:18Z
Authorization: CMODSharedKey odvttstl01-68yXERhn79KNry/oV7IY:3jal8TTrxD1sFezvY7D40R69oGteADCd1hxceG/f8DM=
Host: localhost

Sample response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: Servlet/4.0
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 14:43:20 GMT
Correlation-Id: 78b39619-0bef-4b71-8a94-3c44d09f90a2
Content-Language: en-US
Content-Length: 721

  "Java Vendor" : "Oracle Corporation",
  "Java Version" : "",
  "Java VM Specification Vendor" : "Oracle Corporation",
  "Java Runtime Version" : "",
  "Java home" : "C:\\Java\\openjdk-",
  "Java VM Vendor" : "Oracle Corporation",
  "Java Runtime Name" : "OpenJDK Runtime Environment",
  "OS Architecture" : "amd64",
  "OS Name" : "Windows 10",
  "OS Version" : "10.0",
  "Status" : "Content Manager OnDemand REST Services online",
  "Rest configuration directory (restcfgdir)" : "C:\\restcfgdir",
  "Rest connection name" : "odvttstl01",  
  "ODWEK Version" : "",
  "REST Services Version" : "",
  "OnDemand Server Version" : "",
  "Max connections" : 10