LOGON example Figure 1 shows an example of a COBOL call routine to execute a LOGON request. Figure 1. Example of a COBOL call routine to execute a LOGON request * * The set of fields in the following lines must be populated for each * call to perform a LOGON. * Set CS-RequestLogon to True Move midtieraddressorname to CS-MidTierIPAddr Move midtierportnumber to CS-MidTierPort Move libraryserveraddressorname to CS-LibServIPAddr Move libraryserverportnumber to CS-LibServPort Move foldernamesearcharguement to CS-FolderName Move userid to LO-UserID Move password to LO-Password * * Values for Fields CS-Eyeball, CS-APILevel, CS-Length, LO-Eyeball, * and LO-Length are defined in sample copybook ARSZDCWS. For * re-entrant code, they must be populated dynamically. * Move 'ARSLSCCO' to CS-Eyeball Move length of CS-CommonStructure to CS-Length Move current-level to CS-APILevel Move 'ARSZSCLO' to LO-Eyeball Move length of LO-LogonStructure to LO-Length * * The set of fields in the following lines are defined in sample * copybook ARSZDCWS. For re-entrant code, they must be populated * dynamically. Also, if you want to override any of the default * values, you may add code to do so. * Move overridecodepage to CS-CodePage Move overridefoldermax to CS-FolderListMax Move overridetracelevel to CS-APITraceLevel Move Spaces to CS-Message * * A TCP/IP persistent socket may be requested by using a socket * type value of 1. The default value for CS-SocketType is 0, * requesting a "short socket" that is active only for REQUEST. * Move sockettypevalue to CS-SocketType Call Structured-API-Program using CS-CommonStructure LO-LogonStructure If CS-Message > spaces Move CS-Message to Report-error-message Write Report-out End-if If CS-ReturnCode = zero and CS-pFolderList not = Null and CS-ConnectionID not = low-values Perform Logon-successful Else Perform Logon-errors End-If.