HIT LIST example The following shows an example of a COBOL call routine to execute a HIT LIST request. Figure 1. Example of a COBOL call routine to execute a HIT LIST request Hit-List-Routine. * * The set of fields in the following lines must be populated for * each call to perform a HIT LIST request. * Set CS-RequestHitList to True * * The set of fields in the following lines must be populated for each * criteria field you want to use to specify selection values, for any * critera N its appropriate search value(s), search operand and sort * option. Field SC-Count will communicate how many criteria are * being passed to the OnDemand system. * Set address of FC-FolderCriteriaStructure to CS-pFolderCriteria Move 0 to SC-Count Perform varying FC-Ndx from 1 by 1 until FC-Ndx > FC-Count If FC-CriteriaName(FC-Ndx) = criterianameN Add 1 to SC-Count Set SC-Ndx to SC-Count Move FC-CriteriaName(FC-Ndx) to SC-CriteriaName(SC-Ndx) Move FC-CritMaxEntry(FC-Ndx) to SC-ValueLen(SC-Ndx) Move searchvalue1N to SC-SearchValue1(SC-Ndx) Move searchvalue2N to SC-SearchValue2(SC-Ndx) Move searchcountN to SC-SearchValueCount(SC-Ndx) Move opcodeN to SC-OP(SC-Ndx) Move FC-SortDefault(FC-Ndx) to SC-SortOption(SC-Ndx) End-if End-Perform * * Limiting the number of hits returned by overriding the default * number of max hits is optional * Move hitlistmaxoverride to CS-HitListMax Move Spaces to CS-Message Move length of SC-CriteriaStructure to SC-Length Call Structured-API-Program using CS-CommonStructure SC-CriteriaStructure If CS-Message > spaces Move CS-Message to Report-error-message Write Report-out End-if If CS-ReturnCode = zero and CS-pHitList not = null Perform Hit-List-Successful Else Perform Hit-List-Errors End-If.