Returned values

For the folder permissions check, *access or ArcCSXitPermExit-access can be set to any of the following return codes:
Deny access to the folder
Allow *PUBLIC access
Grant access to the primary folder
Grant access to the secondary folder
Important: If the return code is a value other than zero and there is a X'08' value with a Boolean OR operator, the user will have full report browse permission on the folder.
For the application group permission check, *access or ArcCSXitPermExit-access can be set to any of the following return codes:
Deny access to the application group
Allow *PUBLIC access
Grant access to the application group
For the document permission check, *access or ArcCSXitPermExit-access can be set to any of the following return codes:
Deny access to the document
Grant access to the document

For the SQL query permission, if you want to change the SQL query string, set perm->u.sql_query_perm.out_sql or ArcCSXitPermExit-sql-pout-sql to the address of a different SQL string to be used for the query. This string must be allocated using the C malloc() or calloc() functions.

To change the query restriction string, set perm->u.sql_query_perm.out_sql-r or ArcCSXitPermExit-sql-pout-sqlr to the address of a different SQL query restriction string to be used for the query. This string must be allocated using the C malloc() or calloc() functions.

The following sample code shows how to call the malloc() function from COBOL program:
			local-storage section
       01 malloc-bytes pic s9(9) binary.                     
       01 my-ptr                    pointer.                 
       linkage section                                      
       procedure division.                                   
           move 100 to malloc-bytes                          
           call "malloc" using by value malloc-bytes         
                         returning my-ptr.