Installing Oracle

About this task

You must install Oracle on the Content Manager OnDemand library server.

What to do next

  1. Create the database.

    You should create the Content Manager OnDemand database by using Oracle utilities. The name that you specify for the database should match the value that you specify for the Content Manager OnDemand instance name. For example, ARCHIVE. See Configuring instances on Windows.

  2. Change the Oracle parameters:
    1. Connect to the database by using sqlplus. Connect as the Oracle user with dba privileges. For example:
      sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
    2. Run the following commands in SQL*Plus to create the userid of the Content Manager OnDemand instance owner in Oracle:
      CREATE USER userid IDENTIFIED BY password;
      GRANT DBA TO userid;
      where cmoddb is the pluggable Oracle database that you created for use by Content Manager OnDemand and userid is the Windows account user name that you will use to create the instance with the Content Manager OnDemand configurator program. (See Configuring instances on Windows.)

      Specify this user in the stash file for your Content Manager OnDemand Oracle instance by using the arsstash -a 9 command.

      All tables created by Content Manager OnDemand will be owned by the user that you create in this step. If you want to have a default Oracle table space for the user, then you should specify the table space when you create the user.