Configuring the Content Manager OnDemand server
After installing and configuring the Tivoli® Storage Manager software, you need to configure the Content Manager OnDemand server software with information it needs to operate with Tivoli Storage Manager.
About this task
You can use the Content Manager OnDemand configurator program to configure the Content Manager OnDemand server software.
Configure each instance of Content Manager OnDemand that will use Tivoli Storage Manager. Do the following tasks:
- On the Storage page, select the TSM option. Then click TSM Options. Specify the location of the Tivoli Storage Manager program directory and the client options file that you create.
- If you plan to use Tivoli Storage Manager to maintain Db2® files, move to the Database page and select the Use TSM for DB2 Files option. Then Click Advanced Options. Specify the location of the client options file that you created.