Launching the viewer

The HTML5 Line Data Viewer is launched by redirecting the servlet request to open a document. When the servlet receives a request to open a line data document, it must forward this request to the Viewer.html file, passing parameters along with the request. The parameters that need to be passed are as follows:
The callback servlet. It is the servlet that processes the viewerPassthru() call.
The encrypted docid for the line data document you are wanting to view. Make sure the value here is encoded. (See URLEncoder class.)
The name of the folder. Special characters in Content Manager OnDemand folder names require that the folder name be URL encoded. (See URLEncoder class.)
The language of the browser for this request. This value can be obtained by reading the Accept-Language header of the request object.
The sample code that follows shows how your redirect might look:
response.sendRedirect (request.getContextPath() + “LineDataViewer/Viewer.html” +
“?action=” + request.getRequestURI() +
“&docid=” + URLEncoder.encode(docId, “UTF-8”) +
“&folder=” + URLEncoder.encode (odFolder.getName(), "UTF-8") +
“&language=” + request.getHeader(“Accept-Language”));

This will redirect the browser to Viewer.html which, once downloaded, will start the process of retrieving and viewing the specified line data document.