Displaying overlays
If a Content Manager OnDemand Windows client displays an overlay when you view an AFP data stream, but the ODWEK AFP Web Viewer does not display the overlay, the AFP Web Viewer might not have found an overlay resource. You can modify the FTDPORT2.INI file to specify the resource directory.
About this task
To configure the AFP Web Viewer to display the overlay, specify the resource directory in the file named FTDPORT2.INI. Using a text editor, like Microsoft Notepad, open the file and find the parameter ResourceDataPath under [Preferences], which looks similar to the following example:
ViewDataPath=C:\Program Files\IBM\OnDemand AFP Web Viewer\Data
ResourceDataPath=C:\Program Files\IBM\OnDemand AFP Web Viewer\Resource
FontDataPath=C:\Program Files\IBM\OnDemand AFP Web Viewer\Font
The parameter ResourceDataPath that is used for the Content Manager OnDemand client must match the same parameter used for the AFP Web Viewer. Both the Content Manager OnDemand client and the AFP Web Viewer must have an FTDPORT2.INI file.
The AFP Web Viewer does not download overlays to the resource directory specified by the parameter ResourceDataPath. If the resource cannot be downloaded to the client workstation by some other means, then the AFP data stream must be modified to include the resource so that the AFP document and the AFP resource reside in the same file.