Content Manager OnDemand provides the ability to log many different items, errors, and actions for application groups, users, and server events. Every application group has some message logging turned on by default, and the number of default items that are logged depends on the level of the administrative client in use. To reduce the amount of unwanted logging information, for any new application group, verify that only those items needing to be logged are checked on the Message Logging tab.
The System Log or System Logging Facility is the main message and error logging interface and repository. It is a standard Content Manager OnDemand application group with a folder that can be viewed from a Content Manager OnDemand client like any other data. Therefore, if you try to log the actions of the System Log itself, you are essentially logging your logging.
For example, if you log the Index Add command, which generates message #103, you see a vast multiplication of messages as the initial action is logged, and then the logging of the action is logged, then the logging of the logging of the action is logged, and so on, into an infinite loop.
Under normal circumstances, no message logging should be turned on for the System Log application group. If you need to turn on message logging for the System Log application group for troubleshooting purposes, you should turn it off again as soon as possible.