System parameters table (ARSSYS)

This table contains a single row that specifies the current system parameters.

Table 1. System parameters table (ARSSYS)
Column Name Data Type Description
id INTEGER Identifier counter
name VARCHAR(8) Internal application group identifier
cdid INTEGER (no longer used)
passwd_exp INTEGER Password expiration value
time_out BIGINT (Db2®, SQL Server), INT (Oracle) System inactivity timeout value
syslog_mask INTEGER Message logging options
exitlog_mask INTEGER User exit logging options
passwd_min_len SMALLINT Minimum password length
nid SMALLINT Internal storage node identifier
sys_mask INTEGER Case of userids and passwords
buf_resv CLOB(32700) (Db2), VARCHAR(MAX) (SQL Server), CLOB (Oracle) reserved
upd_userid VARCHAR(128) Userid of last user to update system parameters
upd_date BIGINT (Db2, SQL Server), INT (Oracle) Date and time system parameters were last updated (in old style)
sys_mask2 INTEGER Types of annotations
min_gid INTEGER Group ID starting value
upd_dt TIMESTAMP (Db2, Oracle), DATETIME2(6) (SQL Server) Date and time system parameters were last updated
failed_logins INTEGER Number of times user can attempt login
user_inactivity INTEGER Disable user that has not logged in after number of days
prev_passwds INTEGER Number of previous passwords to check before user can reuse a password
life_of_annot INTEGER Number of days OnDemand keeps an annotation
lockout_mins INTEGER Number of minutes to prevent user from attempting login
notify_pwd_days INTEGER Notify user for a number of days before password expires
srvr_trace_on INTEGER Enable or disable tracing for the Content Manager OnDemand system
srvr_trace_str VARCHAR(254) Specify parameters as instructed by IBM® Software Support

Indexes: The system parameters table is not indexed