FTI_RELEASE function

Use this function to remove documents from the full text index. To query the database to determine the documents to be removed from the full text index, you can use the following parameters:
  • SQL query (-i)
  • hold name (-l)
  • public named query (-q)
  • text search string (-t or -T)
  • load ID (-x or -X)

Ensure that Full Text Index is turned on for the application group and that you have permission to remove index information from the FTS server for the documents before you attempt this function. Otherwise, a permission error occurs.

If a duplicate attempt is made to remove the index information from the FTS server, no error occurs and ARSDOC displays a successful message. However, the system log might contain messages that indicate that the documents were already removed from the full text index.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramfti_release-ffolder-GapplGroup-hinstance -isqlQuery-lholdname-qnamedQuery-tsearch_string-Tsearch_string-xloadID-XloadID-lholdname-Sstartdate,enddate,format-ppasswd-uuserid-Uuser_alias-v-1trace_file-2level
When you use the parameter file option, you must specify the -F, -h, -p, -u, -U, -v, -1, and -2 parameters on the command line. All other parameters must be specified in the parameter file. The following diagram shows the syntax of the FTI_RELEASE function when you use the parameter file option:
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramfti_release-Fparmfile -hinstance -ppasswd-uuserid-Uuser_alias-v-1trace_file-2level
The syntax of the parameter file for the FTI_RELEASE function is:
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram[-ffolder ][-GapplGroup][-isqlQuery][-lholdname][-qnamedQuery][-tsearch_string][-Tsearch_string][-xloadID][-XloadID][-Sstartdate,enddate,format]