You can use the following calculations to estimate the
space required in the Content Manager OnDemand database
to hold the index data for a report.
In general, it is recommended that you add a 10 or 20
percent buffer to the value returned by these formulas. These calculations
can be used for reports that contain logical items and reports that
contain a sorted transaction value.
Estimating the size of
database objects is an imprecise undertaking. Overhead caused by disk
fragmentation, free space, and the use of variable length fields (including
numbers) make size estimation difficult, because there is such a wide
range of possibilities for field types and row lengths. After initially
estimating your database size, you should create a test database and
populate it with representative data.
These examples uses the
following assumptions:
The system adds a 19-byte index to each table.
Index n length is the size of a database field
for which you want Content Manager OnDemand to
build an index. For example, a date field requires 4 bytes to hold
the date value. DB2® requires an additional eight bytes for each
index that you define.
The system adds approximately 40 bytes of control
information to each row in a table.
When the report contains logical items, the Number of
indexed items per month is the number of statements, policies,
and so forth.
When the report contains a sorted transaction value, the Number
of indexed items per month is the number of groups of indexed
pages (by default, the system indexes a report in groups of 100 pages).
You can specify the size of an indexed group of pages when you index
a report with ACIF.
The examples shows the formula
that was derived from information provided with DB2. See
the DB2 product information for details.
The example shows the calculation that you can use to
estimate database space requirements when the database manager is
Oracle. The formula was derived in part from information provided
by Oracle. For more information, or if you have special requirements
or if you need to do more, see the Oracle product information. Also,
the formula does not include space requirements related to file management
overhead required by the operating system, including file block size
and directory control space.
The example shows the calculations that you can use to
estimate database space requirements when the database manager is
SQL Server. The formula was derived in part from information provided
by Microsoft. For more information, or if
you have special requirements or if you need to do more, see the SQL
Server product information.